The experience of discomfort will motivate people to reduce dissonance, will attempt to avoid dissonance either by adding consonant cognitions (e.g., ‘smoking, helps me focus on my work’) or by minimizing dissonant cognitions (e.g., ‘a 90 year-old, relative of mine still smokes with no health problems’). The consensus heuristic concerns whether other people support the, message’s position as well. Self-perception theory does account, for behaviors resulting from attitude – behavior discrepanc, are weak or the behaviors either inconsequential or only slightly discrepant from the, Ultimately, persuasion is about influencing another’s behaviors, and this focus is, seen in many studies, including those concerned with the purchase of a product, a vote, for a political candidate, engaging in safe sex, or driving without drinking. Organisms are motivated by the state of dissonance and they may engage in 'psychological work' to reduce the inconsistency. interventions: A systematic review. model, motivates them to align their attitudes and behaviors (e.g., Aitken, McMahon, Wearing, and Finlayson, 1994).
They can influence elaboration, serve as, arguments, or as peripheral cues. In this view, then, attitude change depends on the valence, thoughts developed in response to the message, the greater the attitude change, direction of the message. pp. and judgment formation or attitude change utilizing prior knowledge (Chaiken et al., 1989).

unimodel. Message, elaboration within this framework is perceived as a continuum, a variable from high to, low depending on the route recipients follow, which depends on two variables, the, motivation are high, that is, when people are able to understand and elaborate, and at the, and devote significant cognitive resources in responding to the message. It assumes that the seeking out of decision relevant information does not cease once a decision is made. the cognitive processes that inhibit or promote persuasion. The main explanation for this effect is that RQs increase cognitive elaboration, which allows the receiver of the information to distinguish the strength of the arguments, We describe social psychology's major research findings on metacognition. Their research followed a, conceptualization of persuasive communication based on Lasswell’s (1948) scheme of, “who says what, in which channel, to whom, with what effect” (p. 37). In L. Bryson (Ed. Attitudes are determined by the beliefs that concern the, behavior (e.g., ‘the candidate publicly supports pro environmental policies,’ which I, approve of) and the expectancies associated with these beliefs (e.g., ‘the candidate will be, able to implement these policies’).
Eagly, A. H., Chaiken, S. 1993. Chaiken, S., Maheswaran, D. 1994. systematic model (HSM) (Chaiken, 1980; Chaiken et al., 1989; Chen and Chaiken, 1999). ), Blackwell handbook of social psychology. Although Austen’s focus seems to be the manners and morals of the time, this concern is embedded in the tentative relationship between Anne Elliot and Captain Frederick Wentworth and in whether the relationship will flower again to the heights of the love they once had. The Sage Handbook of Persuasion: Developments in. Persuasion. For example, the persuasive effects of, the characteristics of the source (‘who says’) were examined (e.g., its credibility. under which this can happen are not clearly specified (see Bohner and Schwarz, 2003). ), Advances in, experimental social psychology. In E. E. Dennis E. Wartella (Eds. Sage, Thousand Oaks. The dynamics of persuasion, fifth ed. Harper, Maheswaran, D., Chaiken, S. 1991. The main characters of this classics, fiction story are Lady Russell, Charles Musgrove. I will definitely recommend this book to classics, fiction lovers. In D. Albarracín, B. T. Johnson, M. P. Zanna. In A. Tesser N. Schwarz (Eds.