Paul reveals that he himself is also resistant to aging because he was exposed to Coffey’s blood when they were kids playing together in the woods before Coffey disappeared as an adult into the forest one day never to be seen again until now with no memory of what happened or how long he had been gone for. Paul then takes her to a shed in the woods where he keeps Mr. Jingles, who is still alive and well after being touched by Coffey’s hand. From that point forward, everyone sees Mr. Jingles munching on a peppermint candy as if his life depended on it—which is probably true since he stole those candies in the first place! GradeSaver, 23 February 2020 Web. Inside, they find a body on top of a bed covered by a sheet; however, it turns out that this person is not dead but just sleeping (it’s actually Coffey who had taken Paul’s place in bed). Read a quick 1-Page Summary, a Full Summary, or watch video summaries curated by our expert team. Hal and Paul have a private conversation about Melinda’s condition. He recalls the death of his wife Janice in a bus accident and believes he saw Coffey’s ghost looking at him from a distance. He is shocked to see how much illness has changed his friend. Paul thinks that Coffey will not cause any trouble in the prison, but he is wrong. Paul feels guilty for helping Warden Hal Moores kill Delacroix. When Dean sees John, he is relieved that he’s okay. The Green Mile ...a nickname acquired because of the color on the floor in the Cold Mountain Penitentiary's ( somewhere in the American South), E Block , death row under a different alias, during the gloomy year of 1932, the inmates taking the long, long walk their last, to see Old Sparky, the electric chair that will end the lives of these miserable convicted killers ...Nevertheless , the unique green surface is the last thing the nervous residents are thinking about , in their humble cells, peering through the bars... besides it isn't a distant mile, much shorter they will find out... soon. Suddenly, when Delacroix throws the spool a bit too hard against the wall and the object slips through the cell door with Mr. Jingles following it, Percy violently steps on Mr. Jingles with his boot. Paul plays along with Brutal’s idea and Delacroix becomes very excited about sending Mr. Jingles off on a grand adventure. He goes on to explain why he is so certain of Coffey’s innocence and tells them how he knew it all along. After a few seconds, Percy tries to mimic the gesture that Paul made earlier and slaps the dead man’s cheek. Paul goes back to recounting the events that led up to Wharton’s death. Brutal then says they want to try anyway and Coffey takes control of the situation. However, after a while, it becomes clear that the mouse won’t return. When he read about what John did, Paul felt uneasy imagining his giant body in relation with two blonde girls who were murdered. The guards successfully return to the prison, bringing back a weakened Coffey to his cell. The two men call out “two” and Delacroix moves forward in his chair. He underlines twice a crucial sentence: “This man just doesn’t care.”. She says she’s afraid but wants to read it anyway. The ending left me feeling emotionally numb because of the injustice that occurred. Coffey tells Paul that he cannot talk through the bars of his cell but that Paul must come inside. One night, the guards hear Delacroix laughing in his cell and go to investigate. The guards never thought that Wharton was pretending or trying to trick them into thinking he had been brainwashed so they could let their guard down around him and then attack them later with a weapon when they weren’t expecting it. When Brad tries to read what Paul was writing, Paul quickly gathers his papers together in a hurry and moves away from Bradley’s reach because he is afraid of being hurt again. When Toot sits on the chair, Dean and Paul kneel to attach his ankles with restraints. I can still remember when this came out. Originally in 6 single issues I can highly recommend buying them as single volume. An unforgettable and emotional novel. But oh God, sometimes The Green Mile seems so long." The other men tell him not to make a scene, explaining that he is a Christian who has accepted the Baptist minister who came for the previous execution. When it opens after twenty-four hours Brutal is proven right as Wharton seems subdued and calm when leaving the restraint room. Brad asks Paul what he was doing in the hallway, but Paul refuses to answer. The guards gave Percy a few pieces of advice about how to behave during an execution and Paul felt that Percy listened carefully—which turned out not to be true at all. Paul remembers Hammersmith, who compared blacks to mongrel dogs and called them property. Hal understands his point of view but reminds him about how hard it is during this period of time (The Great Depression). Dean, Brutal, and Paul escort him to Paul’s office where he prays in Cajun French.