At some point, your protagonist will either get what they’re after... or not. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Subscribe now! If you don't like the content headed your way, you can unsubscribe any time!

Get started today! Get Started; Tools. Inevitably, your protagonist will attract characters and scenarios that will teach the valuable lesson of the story (i.e., the “arc”). This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. He “unplugs” from the Oracle’s logic and follows these feelings, which give him godlike powers in The Matrix. Step 3: Figure Out Where the 15 Story Beats Go. This method was popularized by Blake Snyder, the renown screen-writer and producer (such as Disneys “Blank Check”, 1994), and former instructor at Chapman, UCLA, Vanderbilt, and the Beijing Film Academy.

This inciting incident gets us hooked, let's see what keeps us there. In The Matrix? The Matrix is a film without a doubt that left its mark on cinema and pop culture.

It’s the bridge between the beginning (Act 1) and middle (Act 2) of the story. That’s why it’s 'suggested’! So, there you have it—my method for plotting a story using Blake Snyder’s, NEW WORKSHOP: How to Hook Readers in Your First 5 Pages [CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE]. Along with the opening image, the final image creates the bookend that encapsulates the journey. You can even use a beat sheet calculator if you know the expected page count, which comes in handy if you want to write a short film beat sheet.

Identifying key elements is helpful for planning, but when you're still writing your story, other less obvious elements come into play. Think of story structure like an easy to follow blueprint that will help you write a story that works. There are four rows of ten. It’s the last thing the audience sees, and should cement the theme of the film, as well as represent what happened and changed over the course of this journey. A live stream about table-top gaming, storytelling, and other topics. There are plenty of tools to go with this book – see for example, the Save The Cat Workbook which has all the beatsheets and a storyboard ready for your post-its!

Also check out this completed beat sheet template PDF by John August, for his Charlie’s Angels screenplay. I hear this a lot. 5. 25 Fantasy Writing Prompts and Story Ideas, Worldbuilding: 36 Types of Government (Part 2), Shadowrun 5th Edition – An Introduction for New and Transitioning Players. This is something that really confused me at first, but once I broke it out visually, it made a lot more sense. First, know that you won’t hit the suggested page count perfectly. Beat Sheet: Each white box represents a single scene. Beat Sheet. Required fields are marked *. High Noon Beat Sheet See how the film classic ‘High Noon,’ starring Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly, hits Blake Snyder’s story beats in this Save the Cat!® beat sheet, and understand why the film is in the Blake Snyder genre Superhero.

If you want to read more great scripts, we have Fight Club, No Country for Old Men and The Social Network in our screenplay database. In romance novels, this could be a kiss (or more), a declaration of love, or a marriage proposal.

Film structure requires that the theme of the film is communicated by someone fairly early on. The Matrix, closes on Neo. Many other writers have even developed their own resources based upon the beat sheet, such as the paranormal writer Jami Gold.

Most movies (and TV shows) are not shot in a linear fashion, so these sides come in handy for the cast and crew to know what is being shot. In plot structure, this is where your protagonist claws around in the darkness, only to find or remember something useful. If you don’t know how many words per scene you write on average, use a target word count of 1,500 words per scene. In film development terms, a “story beat” refers to a single story event which transforms the character and story at a critical juncture. 40 Cards These three acts can be broken up into the fifteen beats of Blake Snyder’s Beat Sheet. You guessed it: this is where Neo takes the red pill (to unplug from The Matrix) over the blue pill (to resume status quo). Break Into Two (20%) – A single scene beat in which the protagonist decides to accept the call to adventure, leave their comfort zone, try something new, or to venture into a new world or way of thinking. Have you ever used these 15 beats to outline a novel? With such important and symbolic props and motifs like the red and blue pills, you should know how to break down a script. This isn’t set in stone—you can divide these thirteen scenes any way you like. Get ready to chart out your idea over 15 unique beats to see if it holds up!

You can download a copy of this Save the Cat! Novel Beat Sheet . This thwarts the team’s relative control amongst chaos. Don't forget to download the Save the Cat! Unsubscribe at any time!

There’s no “right” way to plot out a novel. However, you soon run into a complication; how do I figure out what happens in this story, and when?

Blake Snyder suggests knocking this out on Page 1. 13. 11. His book “Save the Cat! In The Matrix, Neo moonlights as a creator of illegal software. You sit down in front of your laptop or notebook, and start writing. We also meet Neo, and learn that he senses this other world, but it’s just beyond his grasp. The Matrix does not conform to this succinctly (remember, the Save the Cat beat sheet template only gives you suggested page counts). Before we finish off the steps of the Save the Cat beat sheet template, let’s go over some quick pointers on filling it out. This is where story structuring techniques can be of real help! Inevitably, your protagonist will overcome his or her doubt and make a choice to set out on their adventure. Developing your concept and taking it from script to screen has never been easier with StudioBinder's software. In The Matrix, this is where Morpheus is kidnapped, and Agent Smith presses him to give up the location of Zion — humanity’s safe haven. You can even use a beat sheet calculator if you know the expected page... An analysis of the plot structure. Here, you’ll need to establish your story scope (and “look and feel”) for the audience. Usually, there is some kind of question haunting them like, “should I do this?” or “should I do that?” The purpose of this beat is to show that the protagonist is reluctant to change for one reason or another.

It employs a unique style which might be useful for your script. If you know your page count will be longer than Blake Snyder’s set 110 pages, find a handy beat sheet calculator to recalibrate.

1. It's crucial to give your character a strong and clear need. It starts when they meet in the club, and blossoms once Neo has left the Matrix and is aboard the Nebuchadnezzar with Morpheus and his crew. Eventually, Neo has to face the Agent Smith by himself. Matthew hails from Minneapolis, MN, and is a graduate of Augsburg University.