You can mark the item as purchased, but deliver it once the transaction has been successfully closed. The following diagram illustrates how the app client communicates with Mobage in the app client integration: In the app client option, a transaction proceeds in the following order: The app client marks the item as purchased. Currently, this app does not support the individual in-app purchase confirmation function of Family Sharing. 2 Follow the instrument to fill all required information and upload business license. Confirm with the yellow button. (1)If developers use different test cellphones to perform the test, all the test result should be recorded and submit to DeNA. Can’t ask much more of a game.
The app will open your browser and you’ll be prompted to type in your login credentials for the Mobage account you created before as seen below. If you’ve done everything correctly, you’ll see the following screen.

DeNA finally did it: the company officially launched (press release in Japanese) the Mobage Android App (“Mobage for Smartphone”) today, albeit in Japan only for the time being.

mobage 大人気ソーシャルシミュレーション『100万人の信長の野望』がスマートフォンアプリに! 織田信長、武田信玄、上杉謙信ら好きな大名につかえ天下統一をめざしましょう! For ngCore detail upload process, please refer to: ngCore App Upload Process. After sandbox is applied successfully,please go “Apps”>“Add App” to register your application。. That being said, if you’re playing Granblue Fantasy for the first time, you should definitely play it and learn the basics. After registration, developers can view the basic documents in the developer site. Mobage, Inc. More ways to shop: Find an Apple Store or other retailer near you. Mobage… The first thing to do is to set your interface’s language to English.

If you need to access Traditional Chinese Developer site, please refer to the link above. Applying publish app is allowed only after partnership is reviewed and approved.

During DeNA partnership application, developer can still continue app development in the sandbox environment. Open Developer Register  page, read carefully and accept the terms and conditions of developer site, fill the table below and submit. If you’re viewing this on an Android phone, visit this link to get the app. Screenshots for 2 Mobage for Android 3rd party apps (Space Invaders and 1 Million’s Monster Farm): DeNA’s own games, Ninja Royal and Aqua Collection: I am the CEO & Founder of Tokyo-based Kantan Games Inc., an independent consultancy focused on Japan’s game industry. Only if App Publish Application is reviewed and approved, DeNA will. Besides, after app development is done, you can test and confirm your app in the sandbox environment:1 Install sandbox version application. It works only on Google Chrome or Safari. You use the sandbox environment to develop and test your app. All rights reserved. The applicant will be informed of the result with 7~14 work days. Yet, to get ready for their release, you may want to explore the IP in the game that is already available, the original Granblue Fantasy game for mobile platforms. (3) The main and auxiliary contacts should not be the same person. If developer plans to publish app in the Mobage platform, he must apply to become partner developer of DeNA.

Download Qooapp, an app that allows you to easily download and install foreign games. In particular, you will need the app key and the OAuth keys and secrets to develop and test your app.
Mobage checks for insufficient funds on your behalf when the app client creates the transaction. Only if App Publish Application is reviewed and approved, DeNA will set the release status according to the requirements of the developers. 2. limited released:App has already connect to Mobage Platform, but it hasn't publish to the Mobage Game List.

(1) Test and confirm in the Sandbox environment. This document explains how to create and set up a Mobage app in the sandbox environment. The second step is fairly straightforward. The app will open your browser and you’ll be prompted to type in your login credentials for the Mobage account you created before as seen below. Luckily, the game is fully localized in English, so playing is fairly easy. The check under the date of birth can be used to refuse to share it (but you may be restricted in making purchases within the game). Copyright (c) DeNA CO.,Ltd. The Developer Portal contains many of the configuration details for your app, including: The app key (also known as the app ID) Global Nav Open Menu Global Nav Close Menu; Apple; Shopping Bag + Search There're three levels: 1. not released: App is not released. Cancel. As you can see below, click on “日本語” (which means Japanese) and change it to English, then click on Save Changes. There are some cases where in-app purchases may not be carried out successfully on Family Sharing devices using the confirmation function. Due to differences between Sandbox and Production, please make sure to complete the test in the Sandbox, then switch to Production environment to test and confirm again.

To learn more, refer to the, The app client integration requires that you host your app's virtual items on the Mobage Developer Portal. Now it’s time to type in your data following the fields in the image below.

The flow of Simplified Chinese is as same as Traditional Chinese . When you publish your app, it is pushed to the production environment. For Unity detail upload process, please refer to: Unity App Upload Process.

Then Mobage system will send an email with an activate URL, please click the URL to complete the register. If the transaction failed or is canceled, you can either roll it back or mark the item as canceled/undelivered. For Native detail upload process, please refer to: Native App Upload Process. Since it hasn’t actually been released in the west, you have to go through some hoops and a few menus in Japanese to sign up and actually get started.

It's convenient to manage the settings and image/test materials via the App ID.