High in fiber, it helps prevent insulin resistance and regulate blood sugar level and as such helps manage diabetes. Although this tropical fruit is small, its health benefits are mighty. Kiwis are also over 90% water which can help hydrate the body. The lutein and Zeaxanthin found in kiwi is also naturally found in the eyes, and so consuming kiwi on a regular basis does help the eyes in the long run. Studies have shown that kids who ate kiwi once or twice in a week, developed protective effects against respiratory diseases. Research shows that foods high in Vitamin C help you burn more fat. Every time you consume a standard-sized Kiwi-fruit that weighs about 177grams you get 108 calories, 25 grams of carbohydrate, 5 grams of dietary fiber, 2 grams of protein, about 133 mgs of vitamin C, 5 mgs of sodium and 16 grams of sugar. Amino acids: Also known as proteins and hence they are essential for the cells to maintain their structure. If you experience tingling, itchiness, or a prickling sensation in those areas after eating a kiwi, you could be allergic, and should stop eating the fruit immediately and check with your doctor for allergy testing to confirm. Kiwi Health Benefits May promote healthy skin and hair: Kiwi fruit is an excellent source of Vitamin C, an important antioxidant that can naturally stimulate collagen synthesis. The early introduction of the fruit was when Europeans found the taste to be similar to that of a ripened gooseberry, and as it was found in China, they so named it as Chinese gooseberry. Thus, it also lessens the chances of stroke and heart attack as it is caused by high blood pressure. In such cases, it is better not to consume kiwifruit but for those who have a low blood pressure, enjoy the delicious sweet taste of kiwi. Nutritional breakdown of Kiwi fruit. Face packs and face masks for Facial Hair | How to Remove Unwanted Hair Naturally. How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss? This time, we will discussed about kiwi as a great source for weight loss. Helps In Weight Loss. Thus, doctors often suggest this fruit as a zero-side effect substitute to aspirin, which is often used to reduce blood clotting. Every time you consume a standard-sized Kiwi-fruit that weighs about 177grams you get 108 calories, 25 grams of carbohydrate, 5 grams of dietary fiber, 2 grams of protein, about 133 mgs of vitamin C, 5 mgs of sodium and 16 grams of sugar. If this ever happen, get an immediate medical attention and stop eating kiwis. Kiwi filled with Vitamin C is always a good source of anti-oxidants. Also read: Benefits of Kiwi for bodybuilding, Kiwifruit contains proteolytic enzymes (mainly actinidin), which helps in protein digestion.High protein diet may promote weight loss by increasing the feeling of fullness (satiety) and by stimulating postprandial insulin secretion. The high content of fiber in Kiwifruits helps to prevent several intestinal issues, such as constipation. Rich in potassium, kiwi is helpful in normal electrical activity of the heart. other ways to eat kiwi directly is by rub the skin as if you rub a peach, then slice it into pieces and enjoy it. Kiwi fruit not has an amazing taste but also incorporates multiple health advantages. These vitamins are good for healthy skin and hair too. Foliate is extremely important for women before and after the gestation period, as it helps to generate more blood cells for the baby, which is in the womb. Lowers osteoporosis since it contains high of vitamin k. Kiwi improves sleep quality as it contains serotonin. Eat kiwi early in the day will keep you regular, which helps you maintain your weight, and with a good diet will definitely help you lose weight. Its taste is enjoyed by almost all. Also read: Health Benefits of Kiwi Fruit. This fruit contains arginine, an amino acid that is widely used to treat male infertility. Other way to eat kiwi is by mixing with other fruits as salad. Cortisol is a direct signal for belly fats to store more fat, reducing it will help with belly fat loss. Kiwifruits contain more foliate than what four standard-sized peaches would collectively provide with. Although all types of kiwis are nutrient-dense, golden kiwi nutrition is pretty impressive. It is said that traditionally kiwi was not eaten as a fruit but as a medicine. Some studies suggest that people with rich levels of vitamin C in blood could burn 30% more fat while exercising than people with low vitamin C levels.