The COLLECT funding reports will contain a summary of the numbers of pupils in receipt of the early years pupil premium as reported on the 2020 spring census. The part time equivalent number of pupils aged under 5 is based on: It is not based on the full time / part time indicator. All enrolment statuses and pupils on and off roll are included in this report. Exempt from the GCSE maths/English A* to C or 9-4 requirement - for students you record as being exempt from the condition of funding. Learn … Step 4 is the procedural change that takes place - recognising that the pupil was registered at 2 establishments for the period in question. Exclude the cost of software purchased separately to enhance or upgrade existing robotic equipment.  Report separately purchased software in the capitalized software section. The 16 to 19 maths and English GCSE status by student reports show the maths and English statuses for individual students according to the condition of funding rules. Estimates are acceptable. Reporting burden for this collection of employer information is estimated to range from 2 to 16 hours, averaging 2.79 hours per response, for the regular survey, and from 3 to 28 hours, averaging 4.11 hours for the detailed survey (years ending in 2 and 7.) Pupils whose registration status is ‘C’, ‘M’, ‘F’ and ‘O’ from the school census are included (‘F’ and ‘O’ enrolment status are only relevant to PRUs). It reflects the position from COLLECT as at close the previous working day. Once the survey is completed without errors, you can submit your responses. A pupil cannot have an enrolment status of ‘O’ and also have a main registration at another school. The COLLECT funding reports will contain a summary of the numbers of pupils reported on the 2020 school census with either: To calculate the numbers of pupils eligible for pupil premium, we look at pupils you have recorded on the school census as: Funding pupil numbers will be calculated on the same basis as those for the dedicated schools grant. This is because it is a valid combination of enrolment status for dual registered pupils. You’ll get an error when data rules are broken, for example: You will get a query where the data is unusual or unexpected which could mean an inaccuracy or omission in the data, for example where: You must investigate all queries and either: Your software may contain data checks, which will help you to identify and correct errors and inconsistencies in your data before it generates your school census return. You should check and verify these funding reports with local authority finance officers before the spring census database closes. We will then use the information in the national pupil database and Ministry of Defence child pension data to determine the actual numbers of pupils eligible for the service child premium. A duplicate UPN is one where more than one pupil registration shares the same UPN and the registrations sharing the UPN have an invalid combination of enrolment statuses. Examples of structures include new and/or used offices, buildings, and residential real estate purchased or built for business use. It will highlight any errors or queries in red against the relevant data item. Find out how to run these reports in the COLLECT guides for schools and local authorities. This allows you to make sure that students are correctly recorded in the census with regard to their age and special educational needs (SEN) provision. The 2 records should also have the correct combination of enrolment statuses otherwise they will then appear on the duplicate UPN report, so if dual registered, one registration should have a dual main registration (‘M’) and the other should have a dual subsidiary registration (‘S’). School A marks any possible session as code D. The pupil would be shown as dual registered with 0 possible sessions. Historical data are available beginning with 1994. Data is used on pupils aged 2 at 31 December 2019 (born between 01/01/17 and 31/12/17) in all year groups. You may check your filing status by signing into your Census Bureau account, clicking on "Options" and then "Filing Status" or by calling 1-800-528-3049 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday, except holidays, and a service representative will assist you. You should check and verify these funding reports with local authority finance officers before the spring census database closes on 11 March 2020. School A (school expecting a pupil) enters pupil on admission register with enrolment status of C, F or O. If your company leased new structures and/or equipment and the lease is capitalized by your company, report the cost or present value of the structures and equipment acquired in the survey year. It is not based on the full time / part time indicator. Save the file and return to us using the S2S site at any time during a census. If you don't find an answer to your particular question or require further assistance, please call 1-800-528-3049 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday, except holidays, and a service representative will assist you. Yes. Don’t include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. Schools will also be able to access a series of ESFA funding reports in the autumn census. How to Identify Census Bureau Telephone Interviewers. School B should keep a manual note to this effect. T Level transition programmes are reported alongside all other 16 to 19 study programmes in the study programme section of each report. To add a return level note double click on the pen or notepad (where there is already a note present) icon in the return level notes section. If you cannot provide reasonable estimates on a calendar year basis, fiscal year data will be accepted. Term-on-term checks are built into COLLECT and applied to several fields of data to check for substantial increases or decreases between the current term and the previous term. Your Census ID is the 12-digit number that can be found on your questionnaire, letter, and postcard. The reports are based on the data you submitted in your autumn census, and will help you check, validate and quality assure your submission. Don’t worry we won’t send you spam or share your email address with anyone. Where it is the same pupil, they should have the same UPN and you will need to amend one record. When you respond to the census, your answers are kept anonymous. Has maths/English, not studying maths/English - the student has met the condition of funding through prior attainment and is not undertaking a valid maths/English qualification. A pupil cannot be solely registered and have a main (dual registration). Include any additional information in the Remarks section of the survey. By selecting this link you will leave There will also be one report available for each individual school and PRU which will be available as soon as the data has been loaded onto COLLECT. You should also check you have correctly recorded any high need students in receipt of element 3 top-up funding using the top-up funding indicator. Has maths/English, studying maths/English - the student has met the condition of funding through prior attainment, but is also studying for a valid qualification for the condition of funding. We will use the information in the previous year fields to calculate the funding bands used for your 2020 to 2021 allocation. There are a number of reports in COLLECT which you should use to check your data. Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), Who Knew? This makes sure the school’s system matches the position on COLLECT. Allows schools to check the FSM eligibility data submitted in their census return. The Census Bureau began mailing paper questionnaires in mid-April to homes that had not yet responded. A pupil where the same UPN is recorded against 2 registrations with a main registration (‘M’) at one school and a subsidiary registration (‘S’) at another school is not a duplicate UPN. This survey only tracks the spending of companies operating in the U.S. If you sold your business, you need to complete the Ownership Information section of the survey and provide the new operator/company name, address and telephone number of the company that purchased it and the date of sale. As a result, it may not be necessary for school B to make any change to the enrolment status for the period of the dual registration if that will not be stored in the MIS system. You may also call 1-800-528-3049 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday, except holidays, and a service representative will assist you. The data requested in this survey may not correspond to your company’s accounting records. If the T Level technical qualification is not the core aim and does not have the correct programme type code, a student will be counted as studying on a study programme and will not be funded in the higher T Level funding bands. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Yes. Doesn’t have maths/English, not studying maths/English - students who do not have at least a GCSE grade C or grade 4 in the relevant subject and who are not studying for a valid condition of funding qualification do not meet the condition. All pupils will be counted as 1 full time equivalent irrespective of the full time / part time status or funded hours recorded on the census. The COLLECT free school meals report will only include those pupils reported with a period of free school meal eligibility on the 2020 spring school census. Capitalized computer software is defined by the criteria in Statement of Position 98-1, Accounting for the Costs of Computer Software Developed or Obtained for Internal Use, issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. They are used only to produce statistics. You can use the "Next” or the "Previous" buttons to navigate to items immediately following and preceding the current item you are viewing.  You can also navigate to other items by selecting the Review Your Responses page and select the section to return to that page. If you have any queries about the use of school census data for school funding, complete a service request form. In the Remarks section, provide a brief explanation of why you are reporting zero for capital expenditures. all mainstream academies (excluding special academies, pupils aged 3 at 31 December 2019 (born between 01/01/16 and 31/12/16) in all year groups, pupils aged 3 at 31 August 2019, but 4 by 31 December 2019 (rising 4s) (born between 01/09/15 and 31/12/15) in all year groups, pupils aged 4 and above as at 31 August 2019 (born on or before 31/08/14) in national curriculum year group E1, E2, N1 and N2 at the time of the census, the return of a 30 hours eligibility code, the extended hours recorded in the census, aged 3 (born between 1 September 2015 and 31 December 2016) in all national curriculum year groups, aged 4 (born between 1 September 2014 and 31 August 2015) in national curriculum year group E1, E2, N1 or N2, Local authority level funding report for early years pupil premium, Local authority school level funding report for early years pupil premium (containing a list of all schools and PRUs in the, recorded as a service child on census day.