Another fantastic name for your water-loving breed of dog. Anubis – An ancient Egyptian god with the head of a jackal. Iris – Greek Mythology – She was a messenger of the gods and was represented by the rainbow. Zeus (a Greek god) is depicted here throwing lightning. This was the name of a Trojan War hero who later founded the city of Pallantium. Poseidon – The god of the sea. Athena – Greek Mythology – Goddess of wisdom. Orion – Greek Mythology – A mighty hunter. A great name for the girl dog that seems to come alive at night. This boy dog has a great booming bark. Bacchus – Greek and Roman Mythology – The god of wine and good times. It is associated with valor and honor. This dog couldn’t be more romantic. Pan – Greek Mythology – The god of forests, woods, meadows, flocks and herds. Helicon – A mountain region in Greece that was the mythological home of the muses. He fell to his death. Kama – The Hindu god of love. 26. The continent of Europe is named after her. Gaia created the universe and everything in it and was thus considered the goddess of the earth and all the primordial deities. Titan – Greek Mythology – A giant. Erato stands for loveliness in Greek. Discover more small dog names here. He was one of the three Cyclopes. She was the muse of pastoral poetry and comedy. Ino – Roman Mythology – The daughter of Cadmus. As the daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, Harmonia was given to Cadmus by Zeus to be his wife. Atlanta stands for a unique combination of beauty and strength. Dionysus – Greek Mythology – The god of wine and good times. This dog represents a new chapter in your life. As the twin brother to Pollux, Castor was transformed into the constellation by the same name with his brother after Pollux pleaded with Zeus to keep them together after Castor’s death. Pandora – Greek Mythology – She was the first mortal woman. Loki – Norse Mythology – The god who loved to cause trouble. When the god Apollo gave birth to a son with Cyrene, they named him Aristaeus. Ambrosia – Greek and Roman Mythology – The food of the gods. The Greek mythology names … Greek myths have some of the most interesting stories whose characters are gods, heroes, spirits and other deities with unique traits. Greek God Names for Cats . Ajax. Greek Dog Names: Hey guys, are you looking for traditional and mythology Greek puppy names? Thor – Norse Mythology – The god of thunder. reedsy marketplace. It was the name given to the man with a hundred eyes and the builder of the Argo. These names not only sound nice for your baby but they also give them a unique character. She was born as the princess of Argos and later was the mother of Perseus. Niobe – Greek Mythology – Queen of Thebes who was turned into a weeping stone. Jocasta – Roman Mythology – The mother and wife of Oedipus. Her beauty was so captivating that the god Apollo gave her the gift of prophesying. Medusa – Greek Mythology – She was one of the 3 Gorgons. Thalia too was among the three Graces hence such a dynamically beautiful name. Hippomania was the only one who tricked her and defeated her in the race. For having fallen out of favor with Zeus, he was given the task of supporting the sky on his bare shoulders. For his great looks and deep ambition, Paris married Helen of Troy leading to the breakout of the Trojan War. Most Famous Boy and Girl Greek Puppy Names for Male and Female Dogs. Helen is a name that stands for beauty as she was the beautiful daughter of the gods Zeus and Leda. No one questions this dog’s authority. Pollux – Greek and Roman Mythology – The twin of Castor. See your physician or ObGyn for proper diagnosis and treatment of your ailments. Europa – Greek Mythology – A Phoenician princess whom Zeus loved. If any young men wanted to marry her, she would challenge them to a race and promised to only marry the one who would beat her. In Greek mythology, Damon was the god of loyalty and trust especially when it came to friendship. Here are 122 mythological dog names including Greek, Roman, and other regional gods from history. This dog’s barking begins at sunrise. A fantastic name for any mischievous dog. You’ve never met a dog that loves water more than he does. As one of the three original muses, Melete stood for meditation.