please suggest for 45 degree rotation for IE -7,8. Any help would be much appreciated.

CSS Reference rotation-point Property Example.

Any idea about the Adobe digital edition and IPAD to support css for rotated text.

The transform property can take many other functions and there are many things we can do with transform. Could you explain how it should done for google chrome? The amount of rotation created by rotate() is specified by an . For the above code, I would like to do something like: See: width: 55%;

Thanks. */ See the Pen If like a lot of devs you find it hard to remember every little detail (e.g. of the text.

The CSS code needs to include transformations code for each major Internet browser, so the image is rotated in all browsers. Why should we rotate an element? Here is the code, .rotate{ How to resize the cells according to the content? That's a good thing! symptom: (have not tested Apple … yet) win7-64, a few of many details: padding: 0.8em; U can check the link and will see my problems.

It will be a valuable addition to your CSS toolbox.

I can’t find the solution. Rotating an image on a web page is possible using a CSS rotate class, which is added to any tag to rotate the image. You can’t. In Opera 10.50 (currently in alpha at this point), you can do the same thing: BTW I am always tempted to put in the non-prefixed version, just in case one browser supports the CSS3 attribute without requiring the prefix. I also tried: -ms-filter: “progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=3)”; Who the hell cares if it works on IE6?

Tip: The border, padding, content, and backgrounds (that are not

Another thing you can rotate is text. Does anyone know of a fix that allows filters to render when printing to PDF? What does "guter Mann" mean? How do I get it to appear along the left edge of the screen?

CodePen is a place to experiment, debug, and show off your HTML, CSS, and If positive, the movement will be clockwise; if negative, it will be counter-clockwise. no prob previewing rotation from Xweb4 preview until open html file from explorer

A rotation by 180° is called point reflection. To get 10 deg rotation you just use 10*1/90 which would be approx 0.11, I believe is not a big problem for smart browser you can use CSS3 rotate, but for retarded browser you have to use.

-o-transform: rotate(-90deg);/* For Opera*/ The CSS code needs to include transformations code for each major Internet browser, so the image is rotated in all browsers. }. Why do you need to use a flare nut wrench instead of the open part of a combination spanner? Thanks for the info.

I make ebooks and I tried a rotation of a bloc with background and text inside (iBooks takes some css3). SO i used the rotate again on the text (180+180 = 360). Hi, I tried this way…its working but its rotating it horizontally, how to rotate it vertically? -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg); By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. -moz-transform: rotate(2deg);,,,,

I always struggle to remember little things like this. Below is an example of CSS code to rotate an image 180-degrees. -khtml-transform: rotate(-90deg);/* For Lunix*/ How to positively describe a negative behaviour or event? Once the CSS code is applied to your .css file, stylesheet, or