Base of Fire Section They do not have exact geometric dimensions and design. Planning. We addressed in detail the two key components of maneuver – the formation and technique. It affords all-round observation and fields of fire. var setNptTechAdblockerCookie = function(adblocker) { The squad or platoon turns 90 degrees to the right or left around the open area and continues to move until it reaches the far side. Usually if you are in a coil, the threat should be minimal. When planning the route, the platoon leader marks the danger areas on his digital concept sketch and overlay. Finally, we will highlight some of the challenges a mechanized platoon may face during maneuver. TACTICAL MANEUVER OF THE MOUNTED ELEMENT, “Sun Tzu said: In war, the general receives his commands from his sovereign. This will take the platoon the most time to cross the open area, but if you are confident that enemy contact is eminent then it is the most prudent. (3)   Choose and Recommend a COA and Maneuver the Force. (function(src){var a=document.createElement("script");a.type="text/javascript";a.async=true;a.src=src;var b=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];b.parentNode.insertBefore(a,b)})("//"); The purpose of tactical movement is to move units on the battlefield either to initiate contact with the enemy or to reach a destination when contact with the enemy along the way is possible. FORMATIONS – In our mini-series on Light Infantry, we addressed the criticality in selecting the right maneuver formation at the right time and the right place. However, the screen may display only a small portion of the platoon's area of operations. c.   Maps. In doing so, the OP can provide security through early warning of enemy activity that the mounted element would not have detected. Each movement technique and formation has unique advantages and disadvantages. When the squad or platoon arrives at the rally point on the far side, the leader aligns himself with the azimuth to the objective area, then continues the mission. When the platoon leader wants to give instructions or orders to his platoon. (3)   During movement through a wooded area, the platoon should move using traveling overwatch. The section or team leader organizes a hasty reconnaissance patrol that attempts to move to the flank or rear of the enemy and observes the enemy position. b. The rest of the platoon moves on to establish far-side security, monitor any changes in the enemy situation, and support the hasty attack by a friendly unit. Bounding overwatch, the slowest but most secure movement technique, is employed when enemy contact is expected. There are few situations more unnerving than being part of a bounding section knowing that enemy contact is highly likely. This can best be done by moving to the enemy's flank or rear. This chapter includes example formations only. After that, comes the tactical maneuvering, than which there is nothing more difficult. It is also advised to conduct some dismounted patrols outside of the coil. Column formation with dispersal for added security (staggered column). The platoon uses the herringbone to disperse when traveling in column formation (Figure 3-6). These techniques provide a standard method of movement, but the platoon leader must use common sense in employing them as he performs his missions and encounters different situations. b. When planning movements, the leader must consider how terrain affects security. It must be at least close enough so that it can use suppressive direct fires if the traveling element needs it. Again, the overriding factors in their selection is the likelihood of enemy contact and the speed in which the platoon leader wants to maneuver his platoon. Having collected an army and concentrated his forces, he must blend and harmonize the different elements thereof pitching his camp. These include assaulting an objective (specifically if it is defended by an inferior force) or quickly occupying terrain where you will conduct a support-by-fire task. When conducting movement in a secure area, it is appropriate to specify the order of march by SOP. Is not as secure a formation as others in platoon leader’s kitbag. It lets them move to covered and concealed positions off a road or from an open area and set up all-round security without detailed instructions. Section using traveling overwatch technique and wedge formation. Figure 3-16. However, troops must approach and move through them with extreme caution. Direct fire engagements are normally limited to whatever actions are required to break contact. Instead they pull up abreast of each other. At the same time, however, movement techniques alone are not enough to guarantee accomplishment of these tactical goals. (4)   Rally Point. Traveling (Mounted). It also identifies previously unknown elements, and then suppresses them with direct and indirect fires. Each vehicle simply peels off the trail or road and tries to find some cover and concealment from enemy air. The lead vehicle occupies the 12 o'clock position, and the other vehicles occupy the 3, 9, and 6 o'clock positions in accordance with the order of march. This you on the high ground! When contact occurs, the reconnaissance platoon leader bases the platoon's actions on the commander's intent and guidance that he receives from the OPORD and or FRAGO. e.   Communications. Coordination must include CSS activities, integration of communications, fires, passage lanes, C2, and battle handover. In regards to security; it provides more security than traveling, but not as much as bounding overwatch. a. The line formation affords the platoon leader the ability to maneuver to terrain rapidly and with impressive firepower to the front. (b)   Herringbone. The platoon must approach hills and curves cautiously, and dismounted members must clear any dead space. The purpose of tactical movement is to move units on the battlefield to prepare them for contact with the enemy. Conversely, if the commander is concerned about security on his left flank; he will assign a platoon to maneuver in an echelon left formation on the left flank of the company formation. If the reconnaissance platoon is tasked to gather information over a wide area, it may employ several small teams to cover the complete sector. Vehicles must be located where enemy elements can not observe them. If possible, the section leader should provide his section with the following information: e.   Execution of the movement techniques is described below. Either the platoon's mounted element or other fire teams from the dismounted element overwatch the rifle squad's movement. It stops inside the wood line, ensuring it is still within the shadow line of the woods. These could include locations such as a large open area, bridges, or roads and trails which may be suited for ambush. When the platoon leader expects contact and the terrain prohibits mounted movement, or when the rifle squads move separated from the vehicles, the platoon (-) bounds with the rifle squads deployed. (6)   Herringbone Formation. Leaders at echelons from platoon through company conduct actions on contact when they, or a subordinate element, recognize one of the forms of contact or receive a report of enemy contact. (2)   Terrain Factors. The platoon crosses a linear danger area in the formation and location specified by the platoon leader (Figure 3-22). When moving as teams, the size of the teams makes detection less likely. "true" : "false") + "; expires=" + d.toUTCString() + "; path=/"; It must, however, be far enough to the rear to avoid contact in case an enemy force engages the lead element. In conducting both mounted and dismounted movement on the battlefield, the reconnaissance platoon uses three movement techniques: traveling, traveling overwatch, and bounding overwatch. When the platoon is conducting refueling operations. Navigation during limited visibility conditions is easier for the digitized platoon with the introduction of POSNAV and limited visibility equipment. (a)   Coil. This should be done both dismounted and mounted. When choosing a movement formation or technique, the leader considers the most recent situational update and the level of C2 needed for the mission. This gives the rest of the platoon freedom to maneuver. (4)   The platoon leader selects the method for the remainder of the platoon use to cross the linear danger area. They use the POSNAV capabilities of the C3 subsystem as an enhancement to tactical navigation and not as a replacement. The platoon need not use the same formation as the company team unless directed by the company commander. Formations and Movement Techniques. His other sections continue their reconnaissance mission. Maximum use is made of folds of the earth and concealment to mask movement from likely enemy positions. It employs movement routes that put ridgelines, rivers, and other restrictive terrain between the platoon and enemy security forces. e.   Traveling Overwatch (Dismounted). This method is easier to control and is more secure than alternate bounding, but it is slower. This becomes more critical as the likelihood of enemy contact increases. Situations involving electronic warfare tactics. However, the bounding element should never move beyond the range at which the base-of-fire element can effectively suppress known, likely, or suspected enemy positions (2/3 the effective range of the weapon system). For example, the platoons could move in wedge formations within a company team vee.