As the world continues to globalize, we need novel solutions to new and old problems, and these solutions will be driven, in large part, by people with deep interests who also draw connections across disciplines. At the time of the study, the city’s population consisted of 80,893 residents. A procedure similar to the RSPS-2 pretest data was conducted with the posttest data. The independent variables were program type (growth mindset intervention/no growth mindset intervention). The MRQ has internal consistency reliabilities for reading motivation ranging from .43 to .81 (Baker & Wigfield, 1999). 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG. Pajares and Schunk (2001) findings contradicted the findings of the current study because, though there was not a significant difference in self-efficacy between the student participants in the treatment and the comparison group in this study, there was a significant difference in the student participants’ motivation scores in the treatment group. Maybe you are not good at the concepts that is required to solve programming problems. Based upon this miscalibration, it may be difficult to obtain an accurate measure of self-efficacy for this population. Self-efficacy was an essential component to students’ ability to complete daily classroom activities, perform well on standardized assessments, and succeed overall in school (Pajares & Schunk, 2001). The program also offered up to 10 h of supplementary materials focusing on the growth mindset (Snipes et al., 2012). Later on, we gave all of them two academic articles to read, one squarely in the humanities and the other squarely in science and technology. The researchers modeled the growth mindset intervention and allowed time for the teacher participants in the treatment group to interact with the program independently. As discussed in previous activity, you are already aware about the role of these two jars. That “success” can be in virtually any arena: personal, academic, social, professional, etc. Do let us know if you have come across any other growth mindset activities that we missed out. Therefore, students who had greater levels of academic self-efficacy were more likely to work harder to complete a challenging task. An attributional theory of achievement motivation and emotion, Mindsets that promote resilience: When students believe that personal characteristics can be developed, “Good job, you’re therefore smart”: The effects of inconsistency of praise type on young children’s motivation, Self-efficacy: An essential motive to learn.