My Best Job Interview Included Extreme Virtual Reality! This chapter begins with a montage of unidentified flying object (UFO) sightings recorded by members of the public in the United States. Speaking with “HyperNormalisation,” Curtis said: “The interesting thing about online is that you can do things that are more complex and involving and less patronizing to the audience than traditional documentaries, which tend to simplify so much because they’re panicking that people will only watch them once live. And as Curtis noted, “I’m not trying to make a traditional documentary. We’re not actually that individualistic. #MeToo. He founded the website to share his own health experiences and spread the word about natural ways to achieve optimal health. HyperNormalisation He argues that an army of technocrats, complacent radicals and Faustian internet entrepreneurs have conspired to create … The gaps in the story compel viewers to do more research and ask more questions, and those willing to watch all of its nearly three hours of footage may find themselves indeed feeling like they’re climbing through a dark thicket, being led by only a flashlight, as the film’s opening portrays. [8], The Independent described it as "A rare documentary that respects the viewer's intelligence". Learn this. Plus, it would be dramatically counterproductive to introduce qualification. Judea's son, Daniel Pearl is the first American to be beheaded on a video uploaded to YouTube. Those who question the same surface narrative immediately run into endless inconsistencies – where nothing makes any coherent sense, making it impossible to counter these endless conflicting uncertainties with a coherent counter-narrative. A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace, United States Air Force Office of Special Investigations, "Adam Curtis continues search for the hidden forces behind a century of chaos", "New Adam Curtis film HyperNormalisation comes to iPlayer", "Adam Curtis's essential counterhistories", "With documentary film-maker Adam Curtis", "It all connects: Adam Curtis and the secret history of everything", "HyperNormalisation review (Adam Curtis, BBC iPlayer): A masterfully dark dive into our experience of reality", "Adam Curtis's Essential Counterhistories", "Hypernormalisation: Adam Curtis plots a path from Syria to Trump, via Jane Fonda", "HyperNormalisation: Is Adam Curtis, Like Trump, Just A Master Manipulator? Vietnam. Trump vs. Biden: Tale of the Tape. “I wanted to try to explain Syria,” Curtis says. To explore more, check out Curtis’ past works, which include “The Power of Nightmares,” which explores the use of fear for political gain, and “The Century of the Self,” which explores Edward Bernays’ — Sigmund Freud’s nephew — use of his uncle’s theories to create the public relations industry and gain political power.13. And then we are fucked.”. Click here to receive updates, and hear first about new projects, Tags: Brexit, Freud, Illusion, Radical Theology, Trump. Provide, Protect and Profit from what’s coming! He often talks about “the people” and “everyone” and “politicians” and “bankers”. “HyperNormalisation” tells the story of how politicians, financiers and “technological utopians” constructed a fake world over the last four decades in an attempt to maintain power and control. Waiters and the Service Industry are Failing Because Millennials Cannot Think, Income Inequality and the Wage Gap is Fake News. He embraces obscure intellectual concepts over banal storytelling. This all-seeing, all-knowing approach, where statements trump conjecture (and, by extension, modesty), is also a paragon of this hubris. It’s a dramatic moment.”. So I was trying to make a film about where that feeling came from … I was just trying to show the same feeling of unreality, and also that those in charge know that we know that they don’t know what’s going on. I aim eventually to have the last 50 years of unedited material. “Kissinger’s theory was that instead of having a comprehensive peace for Palestinians, which would cause specific problems, you split the Middle Eastern world and made everyone dissatisfied,” Curtis said.4. Curtis asserts that Trump "defeated journalism" by rendering its fact-checking abilities irrelevant. Goodwin spends weeks with a bank of six laptops and six tape machines collecting it all – and then brings it back and gives it to Curtis in plastic lunch boxes full of small computer drives. Unfortunately for all of us, those experts have been dead wrong. Experts Are Confident COVID Pandemic Will Be Over ‘... Due to High Demand for Biotech, Israeli Biotechnolo... Watch: Woman caught on camera throwing puppy at man... First Temple Period Two Shekel Weight Discovered in... French authorities: Muslim who killed man for Muhammad cartoons may not be ‘radicalized,’ may have ‘another motive’, LIMBAUGH: Judge Barrett: An Originalist, Not A Conservative Activist, SCHOW: The Blatant Double Standards On Display Regarding The Hunter Biden-Email Story, Teacher In France Beheaded After Showing Freedom Of Expression Class Caricature Images Of Prophet Muhammad, Filing: Justice Thomas Argues Big Tech Protections Need To Be Reeled In, EXCLUSIVE: Trump Supporter Hospitalized By Black Lives Matter Thugs At Women’s March, Candace Owens On Diddy’s ‘Black Party’: Democrats ‘Clever Enough’ To Make You Self-Segregate, Another one! An Analysis by Mike Williams 2020-04-07; UK CV Bill (Police Powers, Stripping of Human Rights), 5G, Letters and a Few More Videos 2020-04-05; Explaining what CV is – and how the Scam has been operated. Using a similar method, the Egyptian revolution of 2011 commenced. Curtis says that immediately after the bombing, journalists and investigators blamed Syria for carrying out the attack on behalf of Iran in revenge for the shooting down of Iran Air Flight 655 by the United States Navy. “The idea was that you couldn’t deal with Assad so you created an alternative reality in which Syria had no place. But according to the experts that the mainstream media relies upon, this wasn’t supposed to happen. That’s when deplatforming and cancel culture come into play. With HyperNormalisation Curtis appears to have reached the point of self parody, where his limited repertoire of formal “moves” and his yellowing portfolio of pet themes arrive with an almost listless precision. The films take the attention-deficit patterns of our 24-hour news cycle and try to impose some kind of persuasive narrative order on them – just as we try to do all the time. ", "The dirty tricks and shady tactics of Adam Curtis", Adam Curtis on chatbots, A.I. A Jane Fonda workout video is shown to illustrate that socialists had given up trying to change the real world and were instead focusing on the self and encouraging others to do the same. The documentary-maker’s new film, HyperNormalisation, continues his quest to look beyond the ‘fake world’ to the unseen powers that have steered modern history, Sun 9 Oct 2016 10.36 BST Their fake world is simpler than the real world by design, and as a result people went along with it because the simplicity was reassuring. There is a sense of everything being slightly unreal; that you fight a war that seems to cost you nothing and it has no consequences at home; that money seems to grow on trees; that goods come from China and don’t seem to cost you anything; that phones make you feel liberated but that maybe they’re manipulating you but you’re not quite sure. The more angry users are, the more extreme their emotional states, the more they click, and the more money rolls into Twitter and Facebook and the rest. He seldom resorts to qualification – for him (or, perhaps, for the purpose of his films), history is a finite continuum where events either happened or they didn’t. Syria's revolution becomes more vicious and violent. [a] It was generally accepted as true until US security agencies announced that Libya was behind the attack. All rights reserved. His method is not only to attempt to understand the world, but to dramatise the ways we might go about understanding it. It’s a scam.”. What’s the answer to ending or changing that pantomime? Documentary filmmaker and BBC journalist Adam Curtis has developed a cult following for his eccentric films that combine BBC archival footage into artistic montages combined with dark narratives that create a unique storytelling experience that’s both journalistic and entertaining. Donald Trump, Brexit, the War in Syria, the endless migrant crisis, random bomb attacks. You just suddenly spot something. I’ll be there for whatever Curtis has to offer up next. To make it in a way that emotionally explains that as much as it explains it intellectually.”10 On the topic of social media, Curtis described social media as a scam, telling Idler Magazine:11. Britain, France and the US turn their backs on Muammar Gaddafi once Libyans rise up against him. The film closes with a Barbara Mandrell performance played over a montage. But where I’m perplexed is in the way that illusions function these days: the function of corporate media propaganda in a post-truth world is not so much to provide us with comforting fantasies of imaginary perfection, but to undermine our perception of the world, so that no one really knows what’s real or fake. We’re very similar to each other and computers know that dirty secret. The mainstream media keeps trying to convince us that things are about to get a whole lot better for the U.S. economy, but instead they just keep getting worse. But as to where they are, and the technologies and political forces that are generating them, if we satisfy ourselves with the bounds of Christianity, we are blinding ourselves to the forest through close inspection of one tiny tree. The start of this chapter is about the flaws of trying to predict the future by using data from the past. On Thursday, we learned that another 898,000 Americans filed new claims for unemployment benefits last week. Every time the music stops, more people lose their seats and the middle class shrinks some more. As with his most recent documentary, Bitter Lake, about the postwar history of the west in Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia, this will be launched exclusively on BBC iPlayer. Video can be accessed at source link below. HyperNormalisation will premiere on BBC iPlayer at 9pm on 16 October. This is Why We Have Free Speech, a President, a Congress, and a Supreme Court. [2], The word hypernormalization was coined by Alexei Yurchak, a professor of anthropology who was born in Leningrad and later went to teach in the United States. It has the capacity to manage us very well. Me, I'll read a good book Hypernormalisation A fascinating new documentary created for the BBC iPlayer video platform features some great footage of a young John Perry Barlow. The model that Curtis’s films have always aspired to, he says, is that of the archetypal great American novelist, John Dos Passos, whose books he describes as “the most satisfying thing I have ever read”. To feel that things stop once we have critiqued our religious beliefs is, I think, to fail to finish the job. Stay connected with Dr. Mercola by following him on Twitter. While the crux of “HyperNormalisation” is that people have retreated into a simplified world perception, the documentary itself is complex and borderline alarming. Learn Why it’s Happening and How to Survive. It is kind of ironic. As a consequence, for example, it was hardly mentioned in the books about the rise of Islamism – so to our eyes the war seems to come from nowhere.”, Politics has become a pantomime in that it creates anger rather than argument… People like Trump fuel that anger. For if we simply accept the surface narratives at face value (elite pedophilia rings at the heart of DC politics and the Russians hacking the election to engineer a Trump win) then the surface level illusions are themselves already deeply disturbing! “You have to do a bit of detective work. While the roots of modern society can be traced back much further — millennia — Curtis chose to start “HyperNormalisation” in 1975 due to the economic crisis of the time. It is like a really perverse game of musical chairs.