Clients on low income that have problems finding affordable housing in the private market that is suited to their needs. You can apply to the housing register if you're classed as 'habitually resident' in the UK, Ireland, Channel Islands or Isle of Man. DCJ and participating community housing providers will then use this register to offer housing when a suitable property in the social housing sector is available. Want to live in an area of high demand with limited housing options. When the client advises a social housing provider about a change in household circumstances, that provider will consider whether the changed circumstance could affect the client’s eligibility and, if so, re-assess the application and determine whether the urgency or complexity of their circumstances has changed. You must be eligible to apply. The following Centrelink payments are not considered primary support payments for the purpose of this policy: If a client who was born in Australia or has a right to Australian citizenship is unable to provide a birth certificate or proof of a Centrelink primary support payment, the social housing provider will refer them to the NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages for information on how to obtain a birth certificate. However, they may be included in the household of an eligible client. When your local authority reviews your application for social housing, they check that you: Your local authority will also determine if you need social housing. Most pensions, benefits and allowances paid by Centrelink and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. For more information, go to Compelling reasons to waive the NSW residency rule. The income eligibility assessment rules for people who applied before 27 April 2005 are: Members of a household who have an enduring (permanent, or likely to be permanent) disability, medical condition or permanent injury resulting in them incurring significant ongoing financial costs may qualify for a disability allowance. Income from interest, allocated pensions, etc. Social housing providers will apply a locational need assessment to clients who: The locational need assessment does not apply to: Where a social housing provider is assessing a client for priority housing assistance and the client has requested a high demand area, the provider will also assess the client’s locational need to be housed in a high demand area. In order to qualify, you must be eligible for social housing and you must be in need of social housing. Eligibility for social housing … Assess income eligibility according to the applicant’s household size, type and gross assessable household income. an ongoing medical condition or disability that impacts on the type of housing you or a member of your household need and evidence to support what is required. 0 If, when the income is calculated, it results in the income being below the standard rate of JobSeeker Payment, then the provider will assess the applicant’s income at the JobSeeker Payment rate. The Housing and Homelessness Branch is within the Family Engagement and Empowerment Division of the California Department of Social Services (CDSS). Deliver services to children and families, Toggle sub navigation menu for Housing and homelessness, Social Housing Eligibility and Allocations Policy Supplement, 2. 88 Old Street, London, EC1V 9HU. However, if a person meets the criteria for a Protected Special Category Visa, they are considered to be a permanent resident under Australian citizenship law. For more information see item 2 on the Evidence Requirements Information Sheet. Find out about residence and immigration conditions that affect who is eligible to apply for a council or housing association home. In all other cases a client must demonstrate that they: For more information, go to Urgent need for short-term emergency accommodation. You can also download the application form from your local authority’s website. They consider: you will be put on your local authority's housing waiting list. For example, a community housing provider who only provides housing to single women will apply this criterion to applicants applying for their service. Proof that the client receives a primary support payment from Centrelink is sufficient to demonstrate Australian citizenship or permanent residency. Other income such as regular superannuation, compensation, interest from savings and maintenance. Examples of disability, medical or permanent injury expenses that a client may incur include: A household member who is in receipt of a Disability Support Pension from Centrelink does not have to provide proof of their medical costs to qualify for the disability allowance. In exceptional circumstances temporary residents may be considered for a few days of temporary accommodation if they are escaping family or domestic violence (including where a child has been assessed to be at risk of significant harm from this situation) if no other accommodation options are available. In this case, if the client considers that their need to live in a particular location is greater than their need for urgent housing, they may wait their turn for housing in their preferred area. Most people are accepted as habitually resident within 3 months of arrival. This includes people who receive wages or salaries, or who are self-employed. For example, the client may need to be closer to essential medical services because of decreased mobility, or may need to be close to employment because they have difficulty negotiating public transport. The less than satisfactory former tenant or occupant and the unsatisfactory former tenant category means that specific conditions must be met before a provider can make the application live on the NSW Housing Register. However, in some locations there may only be one social housing provider. They will determine eligibility for social housing and any conditions that need to be met before a request for housing assistance can be approved. When a former social housing tenant or occupant is included in an application for social housing (either the application is in their name or they are part of the household), the provider who managed the former tenancy will review the tenancy history. Social housing encompasses properties owned or managed by the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ), community housing providers and the Aboriginal Housing Office. There are no minimum income criteria. In these situations, providers will make a referral to Community Services for alternative accommodation and support services for the child. For more information see item 1 on the Evidence Requirements Information Sheet. However, in some locations there may only be one social housing provider. The social housing provider will consider the value of the relocatable home as a liquid asset, for example, savings. Household income means the total gross (before tax) income received by each person on the application who is aged 18 years and over (or received by the client and/or their partner if either is under 18 years of age). Incomes that providers usually consider as assessable include payments received for general living expenses, for example: Where an adult person in a household receives an income for a child (for example, Family Tax Benefits or child support payments), this is considered assessable income for the adult person, not the child. Permanent residents with no income are able to apply. Deliver services to children and families, Social Housing Eligibility and Allocations Policy Supplement, Toggle sub navigation menu for Social Housing Eligibility and Allocations Policy Supplement, 1. The client lives outside a border town but accesses medical, educational, or commercial facilities in NSW. Social Housing Eligibility and Need To find out if you qualify for social housing support, contact your local authority. The exception to this is Temporary Accommodation assistance. Client selects an alternative area and their needs can be met by the private rental market in that area, or. For more information on tenant initiated and management initiated transfers go to the Transfer Policy. Household types are based on the number of adults and children in a household. For more information see the  Changing a Tenancy Policy. Clients applying for social housing must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident. The client may still be in urgent need, and an appropriate assessment will be undertaken to determine if the client is able to resolve that need in the private rental market. Where a client does not satisfy the locational need assessment for a high demand area, the social housing provider will ask the client to consider other areas, and will then assess the client’s need for priority assistance in those areas. You're often eligible to apply for council housing if you have a long term or indefinite right to live in the UK. The next step, if they still believe the social housing provider made the wrong decision, is to ask for a formal review of the decision. This is the only evidence provided or necessary to show the New Zealand citizens are holders of a Special Category Visa. Social housing providers will not approve priority assistance where a: Where a social housing tenant requests a transfer, the common eligibility criteria applies, although the tenant can choose to receive offers of social housing for properties managed by any social housing provider, DCJ only, or a community housing provider only. For more information on each of these categories, go to Ending a tenancy – Categorising a tenancy or occupancy. Use GOV.UK to find local advice services who can help you apply to the EU settlement scheme if you need support with this. Where a client satisfies both the priority criteria and the locational need assessment for a high demand area, the social housing provider will list the client for that area. Social housing providers assess all applications against these income eligibility limits. Eligibility for social housing – property ownership, Family & Community Services on facebook opens in new window, Family & Community Services on twitter opens in new window, Family & Community Services on youtube opens in new window, Family & Community Services on linkedin opens in new window, Eligibility for social housing – residency, Eligibility for social housing – property ownership, Eligibility for social housing – ability to sustain a successful tenancy, Eligibility for social housing – entitlements, Eligibility for emergency temporary accommodation other than because of a natural disaster, Eligibility for emergency temporary accommodation because of a natural disaster, Eligibility for priority housing assistance – urgent housing needs, Eligibility for priority housing assistance – unable to resolve need in private rental market, Eligibility for priority housing assistance – evidence requirements, Matching and offering a property to a client, Examples of disability, medical or permanent injury expenses, Proof of ongoing expenses due to disability, medical condition or permanent injury, Assessable and non assessable income and assets, Legitimate business expenses -  Deductable and non-deductable, Assessable and non-assessable income and assets, Legitimate business expenses - Deductible and non deductible.