Robert extracts blood from the female who is healing and gives it to Anna telling her to take to the colony. Written by people who wish to remain anonymous. In the morning we discover that Anna, and a young boy named Ethan have rescued him. He injects her one more time and she comes back to life. It’s the cure for the virus.

But he knows he is outnumbered - and quickly running out of time. But he is not alone. Robert turns towards Anna and Ethan to see a tattoo on Anna’s neck of a butterfly. I Am Legend Summary Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Plot Summary of “I Am Legend” by Richard Matheson. | Matheson conveys Neville’s simultaneous repulsion and attraction to the vampires gathered outside his house. Once daylight returns, Robert returns to the streets to discover one of his mannequins from the dvd store has moved, many blocks away from where the store was located. After you claim a section you’ll have 24 hours to send in a draft. There is no communicating with them as all reasoning appears to have gone.

There is also virus-infected-humans lurking.

He is able to cut himself down with his tactical knife, but when he hits the ground the knife punctures his right thigh, and he can only crawl back to his SUV. As Robert drags the female vampire's body into his station wagon, what does he discover that strikes terror in his heart? The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. Now the entire population of New York City - and perhaps the world - has been transformed into carnivorous bloodsuckers that fear the light and live solely to spread their contagion to any remaining living creature that crosses their path.

Years after a plague kills most of humanity and transforms the rest into monsters, the sole survivor in New York City struggles valiantly to find a cure in this post-apocalyptic action thriller. They are safe.

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics.

Robert’s routine consists of working out, hunting for food, he goes to the dvd store where he watches movies in alphabetical order, and he has set up mannequins as customers and employees whom he’s given names, and with whom he speaks.

Robert's mission is to destroy "the others" before they can infect him.

I Am Legend focuses on Lieutenant Colonel Robert Neville (Will Smith), a doctor fighting a virus that has seemingly wiped out all of the human race except him. Perhaps mankind's last, best hope, Neville is driven by only one remaining mission: to find a way to reverse the effects of the virus using his own immune blood. The Challenge of Survival in The Road and I Am Legend.

Robert Neville (Will Smith) is a scientist who was unable to stop the spread of the terrible virus that was incurable and man-made in this post-apocalyptic action thriller. If readers have seen even a few horror movies, they’ll probably be able to guess that Neville is defending himself against vampires. ), the resources below will generally offer I Am Legend chapter summaries, quotes, and analysis of themes, characters, and symbols. link Link As I Am Legend begins, in January, 1976, Earth has been ravaged, first by nuclear war, then by a mysterious plague that transforms its victims into vampires.

Years after a plague kills most of humanity and transforms the rest into monsters, the sole survivor in New York City struggles valiantly to find a cure. We learn that New York City was ground zero for this virus, and the military quarantined the city by bombing the bridges, leaving behind the infected. A moment of clarity that is so rare in life. As he’s seeing this the infected male has come to get the female back and is slamming so hard into the glass that it is cracking. this section. With only blood thirsty zombies as his neighbors and his trusty dog, Samantha, Robert is trying to discover a cure for this disease and to find out any other people who might have also survived. An editor Our, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in, On a morning in January 1976, a man named.

A mid-air collision with another helicopter spinning out of control claimed their lives, and he has dedicated his life to finding the cure. On the third day of his drinking binge, Robert steps outside and finds a scrawny dog on his front lawn. Robert goes after her and encounters a group of infected humans. Robert’s wife and daughter have been killed while aboard a helicopter escaping the city. We see that the infected male is stepping back for another run at the door, but when he does the crack resembles wings.

Richard Matheson's I Am Legend Chapter Summary. When she asks what he’s doing he says, “Listening.” He closes them into the crawlspace and finds a picture of his wife and daughter.

Their aggression is off the charts and they are able to sniff out human flesh. He places them in the crawlspace behind them, but won’t get in with them. Also, Matheson paints a grim picture of Neville’s living quarters in this section: he spends so much of his time protecting himself that he has no time to decorate. will review the submission and either publish your submission or provide feedback. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Meandering through a barren and ravaged post-apocalyptic Manhattan rendered uninhabitable by a virulent genetically mutated plague, the brilliant virologist and sole survivor, Robert Neville, still hopes to find signs of life, three long years after the devastating outbreak. Once it does, they sprint for them and Sam pounces on one as Robert makes it to the SUV, pulling a pistol from the driver side door he is able to kill the dog, a third dog attacks him as Sam continues to struggle with the other. Neville keeps referring to “they,” without explaining his thought process. On his way out, Robert nearly trips over the comatose body of the man he had moved earlier and is startled to find that he now looks and smells like someone who has been dead for years.
Amongst them is military scientist Robert Neville (Will Smith), who has spent the last three years after the plague decimated humanity trying to find a cure. We find Anna and Ethan driving in the daylight. Not affiliated with Harvard College. Robert is able to tell his unseen rescuers where his home is. Plot Summary.

By the end of the attack all infected dogs are dead, Robert is okay, but Sam has been severely bitten and cannot walk. He wakes up to his watch alarm warning that the sun is setting, and Sam is barking, seemingly trying her best to wake him up. Copyright © 1999 - 2020 GradeSaver LLC. They both narrowly escape the building, and since it is day the infected cannot chase them into the light. Instant downloads of all 1360 LitChart PDFs Three years after successful human trials were conducted we see that New York City is being reclaimed by nature, with grass growing through the streets, herds of deer and lions roaming free.

resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

For three years, Neville has faithfully sent out daily radio messages, desperate to find any other survivors who might be out there. So far, we know that “they” don’t like garlic or mirrors, they come out after sundown, and Neville can fight them with wooden stakes.

“Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs.