And in the assembly, all words have the same weight.

They soon found themselves besieged by formidable armies and an array of modern arms furnished to Franco by Hitler and Mussolini, with all the imperialist pack playing their sinister under-handed game. And it is because of this fact that the Socialists, and those who call themselves Socialists, refuse to have anything to do with the Spanish Revolution. Erst 1981 wurde bekannt, dass ein Agent Provocateur der Polizei für die Tat verantwortlich war. Die Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) ist eine Konföderation anarchosyndikalistischer Gewerkschaften in Spanien. Die bekannteste Miliz war die Kolonne Durruti. Subscribe to our Spartacus Newsletter and keep up to date with the latest articles. When members of the CNT attempted to resist these moves they were arrested. He added the rider that the only way to abolish power and money was by direct action on the bourgeoisie in whom these instincts were incurably ingrained, and who took advantage of all liberal legislation, all concessions from the workers, to get more power and more money for themselves. Transparence de la Page Afficher plus. It is said Spain has killed it. This type of democracy is that decisions are always made by those who are affected by them. The other, about the elections, is nothing more than a masquerade ball in which some of the creepers who appear on TV signing, smiling, lectured and shaking hands with businessmen and rulers, are distributed grants. In the submerged economy, in the precarious sector, in small, medium and large companies, in Multinationals, in Public Administration, our union action has shown its effectiveness. Ab der Endphase des Zweiten Weltkrieg bereitete sich der MLE auf eine Invasion Spaniens vor. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience.

aspirations of the CNT-FAI, made me understand their tactics better, and helped me to guard against any dogmatic judgment of our comrades. Innerhalb der Gewerkschaft spitzten sich jedoch die Auseinandersetzungen zwischen den Vertretern eines reinen und denen eines syndikalistischen Anarchismus zu. At the head of the union is Comvin, who has been to the USSR, but on his return he came out against us. SOLIDARIDAD | APOYO MUTUO | ANARCOFEMINISMO | AUTOGESTIÓN | ANARCOSINDICALISMO. Text of talk given to Socialist Society in February, 1997, to mark the anniversary of the Spanish Revolution..  Full version here.

Zwischen diesen syndikalistischen Anarchisten gab es wiederum Uneinigkeit über die Frage, welche Kompromisse man eingehen müsse. The Juan Negrin government gradually prohibited strikes, altered labour agreements and broke up industrial collectives. You want to work less, live better, and that clashes frontally with their plans. It is composed of twenty members, one of whom is the Governor, who seems otherwise to have only nominal powers, and it supervises all the other committees, those of Supply, of Labour, or Transport, of War, of Public Health and Safety, and so on. In September 1936 José Giral was replaced by Francisco Largo Caballero as prime minister.

On the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War the CNT was the largest labour union in Spain.

In Frankreich existiert eine gleichnamige anarchosyndikalistische Gewerkschaft, die Confédération nationale du travail. Daraufhin änderte die Abspaltung ihren Namen in Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT). Sie war mit rund 2 Millionen Mitgliedern eine der wichtigsten Protagonistinnen des Widerstandes gegen den General Francisco Franco im Spanischen Bürgerkrieg. But if they do not have the sufficient number for this, sections and affiliates of various branches are grouped into a General union, called Varios Professions Union (Sindicato de Oficios Varios, SOV). Let’s see why. We only have one committee without executive power. In the first year of the Spanish Civil War the CNT tried to reorganize the Spanish economy. We want the radical transformation of society, the suppression of wage labor, the social revolution. The PSUC proposes to put together leadership from representatives from all of the organizations, to group the factories by specialty, and to place at the head of each group a commissar, who would answer to the government. We want what they say at all hours: we want peace; we want freedom; we want the fruit of our work, we want whoever does not work being able to do so, does not eat; we want that in any part of the world anyone can be useful working, living in a house, going to a school, having their seat at the banquet of life …. Alternative ideas of self-management, participation, decentralization … are anarchist ideas. They touched on the question of mobilization and the transformation of the militia into an army. in the form of society aimed at - the difference is mainly one of emphasis, but it is quite irreconcilable. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Anarchists played a central role in the fight against Francisco Franco during the Spanish Civil War. On the other hand, people who cannot be considered workers, such as businessmen, rentiers, large property owners, executives and senior executives, political positions of the administration, etc., do not fit in CNT.

CNT is an independent organization that unites workers without nuances. Im Laufe der Jahre 1976 und 1977 organisierte die CNT Massenkundgebungen in verschiedenen Städten. Every day, delegates and individual comrades appear before the CC of the Unified Socialist Party with statements about the excesses of the anarchists. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. They have since learned that Stalin helped to make Spain safe against the fascists so as to make it safer for his own ends. Die CNT erreichte in den frühen 30er Jahren neben Katalonien auch in Aragonien und Andalusien eine herausragende Position innerhalb der Arbeiterbewegung. On the other hand, they are controlled by the domes of the trade union organizations to which they belong. For Peirats anarchism was about democracy, education and the class struggle. These organizations act before companies or institutions using direct action, without intermediaries, and pressure measures of all kinds are used with a view to obtaining a series of claims, but with the aim, at last, on transforming the society. Legendäre revolutionäre Kämpfer der FAI und der CNT war beispielsweise die Kampfgruppe „Los Solidarios“ um die Anarchisten Francisco Ascaso, Gregorio Jover, Juan García Oliver und Buenaventura Durruti, der 1936 während des Bürgerkriegs unter bis heute ungeklärten Umständen erschossen wurde. Everybody who makes money or acquires power, according to the anarchists, does so to the detriment of himself and at the expense of other people, and as long as these instincts are allowed free run there will always be war, tyranny, and exploitation. Each individual is sovereign to decide on what affects him. I would not have been surprised if he had shot me. Through its assembly of affiliates. Gravitating to the anarcho-syndicalist union, the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT), he became a key activist in the L’Hospitalet area of Barcelona. Yesterday some bombs were dropped in Malaga. We don’t fool anyone: we are what we want to be, and not what they want us to be. transport, the textile factories, etc. Am folgenden Tag endeten die Kämpfe in Madrid mit dem gleichen Ergebnis. Life in Malaga goes on calmly enough on the surface. "The rich will do everything for the poor but get off their backs," Tolstoy has said.

Facebook vous montre des informations pour vous aider à mieux comprendre le but de cette Page. Our purpose is Libertarian Communism, a socio-economic system that makes freedom and equality its fundamental values. Matters have moved on hugely since the revolution in Spain in 1936-37 and Peirats as much as anyone saw this in full measure by the time his life came to an end in 1989. If you are precarious or work in a small business, you cannot even participate. That is why the CNT is an assembly union: within it, who always decides is the assembly of affiliates. In the case of the Spanish Revolution they achieved an enormous amount. For example: we want linear salary increases that benefit the lowest wages; we want the increases to be made on the base salary and not on the supplements; we refuse to perform overtime and piecework; we are against the new work systems that imply job disengagement, versatility and functional and geographical mobility; We strive to break the chain that binds us to the business machine, reducing the working day, increasing vacation and leisure time, advancing retirement to 55 years; We try to ensure that the union controls what the worker produces, denying his guarantee seal when the product is harmful or of poor quality; we encourage that workers, their assemblies and their trade union sections have the right to negotiation; We ask for an authentic freedom of association, which involves the elimination of subsidies to trade union centers, and which allows union activity within companies without any limitation …. Not everything goes. Die Stiftung Fundación Anselmo Lorenzo (FAL) steht der CNT nahe. Für den Wahlsieg des rechten Bündnisses 1933 wurde allgemein die CNT verantwortlich gemacht, da sie dazu aufgerufen hatte, die Wahlen zu boykottieren. I was the only secretary of the CNT in exile to enter Spain clandestinely when they were still shooting people!”. The electoral programs are forgotten and you better shut up and be submissive, maybe you get some favor (instead of respecting your rights). Do not believe in that history of electoral representativeness. It seems hardly worth while, in the shambles that Spain is becoming, to deny any stories of atrocities. Vielmehr bildeten sich verschiedene, zueinander widersprüchliche Strömungen innerhalb der CNT. Finally, in the last few years it has gone through a third transformation; in spite of its mystical appeal to the heart anarchism has always been an elastic and adaptable faith, and looking round for a suitable machinery to replace State centralisation it found syndicalism, to which it is now united. ; (2) Government by local committees and resistance to all forms of centralized authoritarianism; (3) Uncompromising hostility to the bourgeoisie and the Church. Complaint procedures, through demonstrations, rallies, acts of protest, leaflets, press releases, etc.

[6] Im Mai 2018 war sie mit sechs anderen Gewerkschaften Gründungsmitglied der Internationalen Konföderation der Arbeiter*innen (IKA).[7]. Der sich neu konstituierenden Bewegung fehlte die Erfahrung, mit diesen Widersprüchen konstruktiv umzugehen.