[2] Level 6 seems to use special requirements. Third Known Bounty: Raised to 500,000,000 by having fought alongside with Luffy in defeating the Donquixote Pirates and Donquixote Doflamingo, resulting in his dismissal from the Seven Warlords.[11]. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Sixth Bounty: For being recognized as the sworn brother to the Revolutionary Army's second in command and the leader of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet, perpetrating the events on Whole Cake Island and for defeating Charlotte Cracker and Charlotte Katakuri, his bounty was raised to 1,500,000,000. Second Bounty: 200,000,000 For defeating special officer Sugar of the Donquixote Pirates. Smoker | Currently the Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates' second ship. It is currently unknown how Dracule Mihawk received his bounty, but he has received plenty of respect from all levels of pirates and is granted some equality by Sengoku and some high-ranked Marines. ↑ One Piece Manga — Vol. [10] [11] History repeated itself- Nami was once again duped into posing for her wanted poster, and Genzo displayed this blown-up print in his office. It is unknown how he received his bounty. 6. Full Name Bartolomeo ate the Paramecia Devil Fruit, Bari Bari no Mi (Barrier Barrier Fruit). Despite his homicidal and violent nature, Bartolomeo is shown to be willing to work along with people to help them against the Donquixote Pirates. It is unknown if level 1 has a minimal value, although Buggy commented that every prisoner from level 2 that escaped with him holds a bounty higher than his 15,000,000. Marco | Welcome to the Dressrosa Arc of the One Piece New World! As such, many of the bounties were either far above or below what they were actually worth by the World Government standards. It was frozen 10 years ago, when, It is currently unknown how Pica received his bounty. First Known Bounty: Linlin received her first bounty of 50,000,000 at the age of six years old, after teaming up with Streusen.Second Known Bounty: Some time later in her childhood, she received a second bounty of 500,000,000.Third Known Bounty: At some point before the Whole Cake Island Arc she received a bounty of 4,388,000,000, likely due to her actions as one of the Four Emperors and being a former member of the Rocks Pirates. Straw Hat PiratesTrafalgar D. Water LawKing RikuRebeccaSaboDesire (childhood friend) Kawamatsu | Currently the Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates' fifth ship. Third Bounty: After the events on Whole Cake Island, his bounty was raised to 330,000,000. These bounties are worthless outside of the country in question, and are not acknowledged by the World Government. It is currently unknown how Beckman received his bounty. Sabo | [11], Second Bounty: Eventually, Jinbe's bounty was raised to 250,000,000 for unknown reasons, most likely his acts against the World Government as the second leader of the Sun Pirates, but it became inactive once he joined the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Because they were frozen bounties, the Warlord bounties did not reflect subsequent criminal activities. [7] This bounty would officially make Luffy a Super Rookie. He was willing to join along with the other Corrida Colosseum individuals to help the against Doflamingo's birdcage. https://hero.fandom.com/wiki/Bartolomeo?oldid=2011468. Viola | A notorious mountain bandit leader. Third Bounty: After leading the assault on Enies Lobby and the victory against various government agents, including Rob Lucci and Blueno of the CP9, in order to rescue Nico Robin from going through the Gates of Justice and being executed, Luffy's bounty was raised to 300,000,000. However, Pandaman is a joke character that Oda uses as background or for comic relief (like the. It is currently unknown how Lucky Roux received his bounty. Jinbei‡ | A pirate whose bounty poster was shown among the posters that. Linlin also holds the record for the youngest person to receive a bounty in the series, at the age of six. Franky | Currently the Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates' eighth ship. [11], Second Bounty: For defeating officer Senor Pink of the Donquixote Pirates, his bounty was raised to 94,000,000. First Known Bounty: Originally a pirate from North Blue, Law's first known bounty was 200,000,000; due to this bounty, he would go on to be recognized as one of the Worst Generation. One Piece: Episode of Sabo - 3 Kyoudai no Kizuna Kiseki no Saikai to Uketsugareru Ishi. Bepo | For going against shogun Kurozumi Orochi after the execution of Shimotsuki Yasuie, a wanted poster was hanged across Wano for "Franosuke", Franky's alias. Trafalgar D. Water Law‡ [176], Due to its state as a closed country, there is not a considerable World Government presence in Wano, therefore the wanted posters issued across the country for criminals differ from the worldwide bounties. [11] Boa Hancock placed a giant version of the bounty picture on her castle wall. The poster was issued despite already being captured, imprisoned and released by. Due to her bounty, she would go on to be recognized as one of the Worst Generation. Third Bounty: Jinbe's bounty was raised to 438,000,000 after leaving the Seven Warlords and assisting the Whitebeard Pirates as well as Monkey D. Luffy during the Battle of Marineford.[25][26]. It is low like Chopper's, due to him also being mistaken as a. Currently the Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates' first ship. Bari Bari no MiSuperhuman Strength After one of his crew members was captured as a decoy and executed, the Marines believe him to be dead; bounty either removed or served to the. For going against shogun Kurozumi Orochi after the execution of Shimotsuki Yasuie, a wanted poster was hanged across Wano for "O-Nami", Nami's alias. Hatchan's bounty may have been due to his activities as a member of the Arlong Pirates. Note: The records are only for confirmed bounties. Currently the Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates' third ship. Earned her bounty during her sister's first pirate campaign. Works as an assassin with his brother Kelly. It is unknown how Drophy received her bounty. Tashigi | He insulted other pirates such as Cavendish and Law. His bounty was 150,000,000 until after Dressrosa, his bounty is 200,000,000. Kuma had been known as a vicious tyrant who flattened everyone in his way, It is currently unknown how Moria received his bounty, but it was his last known bounty before he joined the Seven Warlords. Arlong, Hatchan, Kuroobi and Chew are listed under the Arlong Pirates. He creates barriers by crossing his fingers. ↑ One Piece Manga — Vol. Bounty no longer stands as he was defeated by Roronoa Zoro, who claimed his bounty to pay for repairs to his treasured sword Wado Ichimonji. Note: This section is only for members of the Worst Generation who aren't members of another group. Being a key figure during the. Jango has joined the Marines; his bounty has therefore been forgotten or removed. For going against shogun Kurozumi Orochi after the execution of Shimotsuki Yasuie, a wanted poster was hanged across Wano for Penguin. 86 Chapter 869, cover story: The Stories of the Self-Proclaimed Straw Hat Grand Fleet Vol. Friends/Allies [51] Total bounty: At least 871,000,000 at abolition; At least 1,651,000,000 at greatest extent (these figures only count Warlords and not crew members). 80 Chapter 802 (p. 7-9), Edward Weevil's former bounty is shown. Although no longer an active pirate, Rayleigh was Gol D. Roger's second-in-command. [50] Kin'emon | Enemies Levels 3 and 5 require bounties of 50,000,000 and 100,000,000 respectively, and the values required for others levels were not revealed. Though he was the highest bounty in the East Blue, Arlong's bounty did not reflect his true threat as he was paying a Marine to keep quiet about his actions. A criminal whose wanted poster could be seen in Fullbody's ship when Luffy received his bounty. Kuzan | Eustass Kid | It was frozen 10 years ago, when he became a Warlord of the Sea. [18] A pirate whose bounty poster was shown in the background eight years ago. Donquixote DoflamingoDonquixote FamilyCavendish (rival; formerly)Jesus BurgessGladiusMarinesFujitoraWorld Government Press Room It is unknown how he received his bounty. Bounty no longer stands as he was carried off by the marines. It was frozen 10 years ago, when, It is currently unknown how Diamante received his bounty. The Big Mom Pirates have the most known bounty holders in a single crew, with at least 11 members having a bounty. It is currently unknown how Squard received his bounty. The "Only Alive" condition has been retracted, reverting to "Dead or Alive". The highest (non-pirate) organization is the. It is unknown how she received her bounty. Origin Gin's bounty may have been due to his ruthless nature and his service as combat commander of the Krieg Pirates. [3], Second Bounty: After heavily disrupting the balance of the Three Great Powers by defeating Crocodile, forcing the government to publicly recognize Crocodile's and his organization's criminal activities, leading to his arrest and removal of his position as a Warlord of the Sea, Luffy's bounty was raised to 100,000,000. ↑ One Piece Manga — Vol. Bounty retracted when arrested by. It was frozen 10 years ago, when, It is currently unknown how Senor Pink received his bounty. The bounty remains retracted as Doflamingo has been arrested and sent to, It is currently unknown how Trebol received his bounty. It was frozen 10 years ago, when, It is currently unknown how Machvise received his bounty. Gecko Moria was first introduced by Robin as merely holding a bounty higher than Luffy's. Was invited to the Seven Warlords of the Sea due to the events of.