Most of the retrospective studies that... –, This seems more speculation then anything But it’s from sapient so what would I suspect –, All without the use of HCQ. However, in Berkeley, stark poverty was even more in evidence, and bad roads, bad weather, and ignorance proved powerful counter forces [to the contraceptive programs]. Please also explain to me all the videos of them beating the crap out of innocent people and business owners She writes: Organized charity itself is the symptom of a malignant social disease., Ask an Embryologist: Genomic Mosaicism – Jonathan Wells – February 23, 2015 Sharon Weston Broome, interview by author, Washington, D.C., 16 November 2000. Letter from Sanger to Braun, 22 December 1941, MSCLC. Here is my simple question: Does the DNA sequence in one cell type differ from the sequence in another cell type in the same person?,,, She selected Dr. Clarence J. I t was 100 years ago—on Oct. 16, 1916—that Margaret Sanger opened the first birth-control clinic in the United States. DuBois was fully vested in these horrid Eugenics schemes: “[Negroes] are led away by the fallacy of numbers. This group tailors its world view and policy prescriptions to the demands of America’s majority power elite to the detriment of those same Black masses. Rev. The US dictatorship of capital provides the people with a non-choice between two vile and racist presidential candidates. In Hitler’s American Model (2017), James Whitman extended this research to illustrate how U.S. policies influenced Nazi race law in the 1930s and the Nuremberg Laws in particular. During the 1980s when Planned Parenthood shifted its focus from community-based clinics to school-based clinics, it again targeted inner-city minority neighborhoods, he writes.85 Of the more than 100 school-based clinics that have opened nationwide in the last decade [1980s], none has been at substantially all-white schools, he adds. Seems like you'd need... –, They really want desperately for one of our key turning points in evolution to evolve before us it’s kind of... –, Jerry Easy. the woman or man had a transmissible disease such as insanity, feeble-mindedness, epilepsy, syphilis, etc. One very early genetic mapping study in 1999 suggested that “a large number of loci (perhaps > than 15)” might contribute to autism risk, recalled Jonathan Pritchard, now a geneticist at Stanford University. A veritable who’s who of early 20th century Black history from W.E.B. Although Berkeley County’s population was 70 percent black, the clinic received criticism that members of this group were overwhelmingly in the majority.55 Seibels assured Claude Barnett that this was not the case. American and German eugenicists interacted and exchanged views up to the late 1930s, and sterilization laws, immigration restrictions based on race or ethnicity, and efforts to prevent full citizenship to the unfit in the United States became the model for the Nuremburg Laws of 1935. The affiliate might say they’re targeting high-pregnancy areas, but their response presumes destructive behavior on the part of the targeted group. They wholly accepted her message because it seemed to promise prosperity and social acceptance. At Sanger’s urging, protesters of the cancellation sent letters to Attorney Wendall E. Green, vice chairman of the Afra-Merican Emancipation Exposition Commission (sponsor of the Exposition), requesting he investigate. Throughout African American history, members of the Black elite have blamed the Black poor for “bringing down the race,” thus giving aid and comfort to white racists. If the study was done on hospitalized patients, they are bogus studies. That is why today’s molecular biologists are reporting “cognitive resources” in cells; “bio-information intelligence”; “cell intelligence”; “metabolic memory”; and “cell knowledge”—all terms appearing in recent literature.1,2 “Do cells think?” is the title of a 2007 paper in the journal Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences.3 On the other hand the assumed developmental “program” coded in a genotype has never been described. In a monumental feat, she bewitched virtually an entire network of black social, professional and academic organizations69 into endorsing Planned Parenthood’s eugenic program.70. What’s more shocking is Sanger’s beguilement of black America’s crème de la crèmethose prominent, well educated and well-to-do into executing her scheme. Is that meaningless? Our experience causes us to doubt their ability to work except under white supervision.38. One of the main objectives of the Population Congress would be to raise the level and increase the general intelligence of population. Eugenics claimed the scientific ability to classify individuals and groups as “fit” or “unfit.” The unfit were defined by race, mental and physical disabilities, country of origin, and poverty. Thomas Robert Malthus, a 19th-century cleric and professor of political economy, believed a population time bomb threatened the existence of the human race.2 He viewed social problems such as poverty, deprivation, and hunger as evidence of this population crisis. [Sanger’s] influence and the whole mindset that Planned Parenthood has brought into the black community … say it’s okay to destroy your people. It is such discoveries that are turning our ideas of genetic causation inside out. She said people must be helped to help themselves. “That’s a lot!” he remembered thinking when the paper came out. Excerpt: … in the real world of careful analysis, scientists are just not finding the “genes” that the headline writers need. The Black Wall Around Barack Obama: Who Does It Protect Him Against? She included an essay (what she called a program of public welfare,) entitled We Must Breed a Race of Thoroughbreds.15, In it she argued that birth control clinics, or bureaus, should be established in which men and women will be taught the science of parenthood and the science of breeding. They succeeded. It would never have been approved for... –, Jerry, though refactored studies RH7 has predictably ignored showed some effect there too. The history of Black Eugenics should serve as just one of the myriad of examples of how the Black Mis-leadership Class has worked to subjugate the Black poor. Excerpt: Mutations of a single gene are behind sickle cell anemia, for instance, and mutations in another are behind cystic fibrosis. It’s now thought that such traits are the work of thousands of genetic variants, working in concert. Excerpt: humans have a “few thousand” different cell types. The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left (2017) by Dinesh D’Souza is the most recent effort to bring public attention to eugenics and the American–German connection. She even accused the church of threatening officials with the withholding of promised federal and state funds needed to hold the Exposition.43, Her statement mentioned BCFA prepared the exhibit in consultation with its National (Negro) Advisory Council, and it illustrated the need for birth control as a public health measure.44 She said the objective was to demonstrate how birth control would improve the welfare of the Negro population, noting the maternal death rate among black mothers was nearly 50 percent higher, and the child death rate was more than one-third greater than the white community.45. It seems to me from my experience … that, while the colored Negroes have great respect for white doctors, they can get closer to their own members and more or less lay their cards on the table, which means their ignorance, superstitions and doubts.