You never want to start a fight with it on lane unless you know the enemy can’t all-in or escape it. This arena deactivates on its own after a brief period (or if Camille leaves the zone prematurely). Counters include who Camille Top is Strong or Weak Against. He played over 3,000 games with Camille and has an average KDA ratio of 3.46:1 with a 61% Win Rate. Comment below what you liked or think should change about this guide. Remember, just because you have a bad matchup doesn’t mean you can’t have a misplaying Darius in the early game. It extends your AA range by 50, which allows you (on good ping) to auto-attack and kite away before the enemy melee champ can auto-attack back. It also gives you the ability to easily chase them down if they try to kite or escape. The worst part is you can’t ever win side-lane duels because he goes BotRK and wins really hard even at 2 items. All items provide huge spikes on completion, and allow her to either split-push and flank teamfights. You get free boots at 12 min but you cannot buy boots before then. It deals damage, gives you attack speed, and stuns. This League of Legends Season 10 Ultimate Camille guide is the only guide that you will need in order to play Camille. In general, a great item against auto-attacking bruisers. Always try to get the second part of it in trades because it is effectively 2 auto-attacks in 1. You won’t really need more than one rotation against ranged champions because they are usually super squishy. The MOBAFire community works hard to keep their LoL builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Camille build for the S10 meta. Mordekaiser’s ultimate, Malzahar’s, Skarner’s, etc., all either pull you out of the team or disable you for a long time. Camille’s kit matched the dream champion he wanted to have in a MOBA game. Be the first to rate this post. Camille is lethal against most bruisers and will kill enemies even when they are at 60% of their HP. Este hechizo puede lanzarse de nuevo durante un breve periodo de tiempo, de modo que inflige una cantidad adicional de daño considerablemente mayor si Camille deja un tiempo entre los dos ataques. We've used our extensive database of League of Legends stats along with proprietary algorithms to calculate the most optimal build for Camille. Sejuani works well with Camille as you can apply her E (Permafrost) almost instantly because you have 2 auto-attack resets. Bad wave clear. Ranking de equipos. This is a great item for you against mages that deal a lot of magic damage, while also reducing the cooldown of your abilities. Every 4s your next attack on a champion deals bonus magic damage, heals you, and permanently increases your health. Darius is considered a counter because you can’t really poke him down, as your W (Tactical Sweep) has the same range as his E (Apprehend). D&D Beyond Sheen gives you insane laning power when combined with 2 Doran’s Blades or a Doran’s Blade and a Long Sword. This combo has little counterplay and not many champs can all-in you after that due to the MS you get from Q. Camille se impulsa a sí misma hacia un muro, salta y, al aterrizar, lanza a los campeones enemigos por el aire. During this phase, some matchups can be won 1v1 and some others you can win in 2v2s with your jungler. Coming Soon! She also deals bonus magic damage to the target with her basic attacks. If you attach to a wall and you have no vision of someone (invisible/fog), your Hookshot indicator will still show them. Camille is a highly-mobile fighter who's very good at pursuing and slaying single targets. Camille pretty much has a point-and-click 1.5k damage nuke if she just uses Q (Precision Protocol) on a minion and runs at them. Grouping if you are in the lead is better than just staying on the side nonstop. If you take Bloodline, always rush 2 Doran’s Blades. Clicking this item will free you and give you the time to counter them. Always try to trade when this passive is up because the shield is 20% of your max HP, which is huge. He started playing in season 4 with his friends just for fun, but quit the game soon after. Always try to react to key enemy abilities like Irelia’s R (Vanguard’s Edge) or Urgot’s R (Fear Beyond Death). You will not have inventory space for Trinity components. Aside from her basic mechanical demands, most teamfights require you to be particularly creative with your approach—you've got to Hookshot in at the right moment (when enemy CC is down), preferably from an unexpected angle. This gives you the chance to stick to your target longer. We will be updating this infographic as changes happen so check back often! These below videos are great game play examples for how to play Camille. The moment you finish these three items, will be a massive power spike for Camille. If they do that during the start, move forward then instantly turn around so they walk into it. Convertida en un arma viviente diseñada para operar fuera de la ley, Camille es la jefa de espías del clan Ferros, una elegante agente de élite que se asegura de que nada amenace el funcionamiento de Piltover ni de Zaun. This is the best gap closer in the game. And if there isn’t much happening, take all of the enemy jungle camps or even your own. – Using Hookshot as the only way of engaging a trade. When she isn’t available because she is either banned or picked by the enemy team, knowing these champions will give you a variety to choose from, safeguarding your LP from going down and keeping your games awesome. Camille’s recommended runes are Conqueror, Triumph, Tenacity/Bloodline, and Last Stand on Precision as primary, and Shield Bash with Bone Plating/Second Wind on Resolve as secondary. If you want to deal with your enemy faster, you can choose Press the Attack, Triumph, Tenacity/Bloodline, and Last Stand on Precision as primary, and Magical Footwear with Biscuit Delivery on Inspiration as secondary. Pay attention to its cooldown: you can engage when it’s going to come off CD, so you can bait your opponent to use all his abilities on the shield. Level 9 – This is where your Q or E is maxed, which gives you the ability to abuse the ‘Q minion into E + Q2’ combo, which will force the enemy to either all-in or get constantly poked. Before we start on the Ultimate Guide to Camille we first want to tell you why you should play her. Al ser adaptable y precisa... Ver más. He didn’t play League because not many champions suited him. Like other champs that demand razor-sharp ability executions, Camille is noticeably less effective in the hands of an unpracticed player. Always try to get free resets by stacking waves. The first Q grants you a huge chunk of movement speed and the second one deals double damage, along with it being converted into TRUE damage if you wait 1.5 seconds (EXACT SAME CD AS SHEEN). There are only the right plays. Riot Games, League of Legends and are trademarks, services marks, or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc. “Like other champs that demand razor-sharp ability executions, Camille is noticeably less effective in the hands of an unpracticed player.”. Listed below are some champions you can use to replace Camille in the top lane. You get a far away AoE engage with Yuumi’s R, and Camille runs at 600 MS because of Yuumi’s E (Zoomies) and Camille’s Q (Precision Protocol), that gives movespeed, plus Phage. NEVER BUY JUST A MANA CRYSTAL, TRY TO BACK WITH 1050G. It gives you 2 auto-attack resets. It works as an offensive and defensive item for her. Camille’s recommended summoner spells are Teleport and Flash. As soon as Camille was teased, he immediately quit Kled and never looked back. Download the League app to stay connected to friends and the latest game and esports news. Most top laners will stay in the middle of the lane but you can make them walk into it with W. You can use your Tactical Sweep during Hookshot, which rewards skilled players with being able to weave your W in, which means free damage. Los enemigos en la mitad exterior se ralentizan y reciben daño adicional al mismo tiempo que curan a Camille. Your Teleport does not cast instantly, and will give your enemies an opportunity to deal damage to your allies without you. He didn’t play League because not many champions suited him. . Then Hookshot onto them, AA +Q2 and walk back. Camille The Steel Shadow Find the best Camille build guides for League of Legends Patch 10.19. At 2 items you can easily one-shot carries if you reset auto-attacks with Q properly. Camille is an elite operative who works to maintain order for Piltover's established powers. Transforming Sheen into Trinity Force literally doubles your Q2 damage on completion, so complete this item ASAP, as it is the most broken item on Camille. Import Bjergsens Build into your game using Pro Builds by Blitz. It works on towers and synergizes insanely well with Sheen. If you can beat your opponent on the side lane, you should always try to shove the wave into them and then roam and help your team out while the enemy team is clearing the wave you pushed. – Not using auto-attack resets before using R. Always weave in auto-attacks, because it is where Camille’s damage comes from. Here are some of the biggest issues and how you can try to overcome the challenges they bring. This is a good laning tool. Teleport also gives you a free recall and helps you to not lose a lane instantly if you misplay and die. You should be pretty far away from them after doing this. Weaponized to operate outside the boundaries of the law, Camille is the Principal Intelligencer of Clan Ferros—an elegant and elite agent who ensures the Piltover machine and its Zaunite underbelly runs smoothly. Hardest snowballing champion in the game. This can literally ruin your lead. Her relentless drive to have precision made her a fail-proof specialist. Remember to rate it and share it if you found it useful. In general, you want to get 3 core items into full tank, but if you are ahead of everyone in level, it’s good to get this item because it still gives you a lot of HP and has a good damage steroid. Longest engage range in the game. You need a lot of experience with this champion to understand her limits and what you can or can’t do. This is your bread and butter ability. Su adaptabilidad y minuciosidad... Ver más. With that said, you always want to utilize every part of your ultimate because of its huge level 1 cooldown. Your Teleport does not cast instantly, and will give your enemies an opportunity to deal damage to your allies without you. Super fun to play, but also super situational. Ironically, most of the time you use this ability only to close gaps or dodge a key ability. Ravenous Hydra can help you farm jungle camps quite fast and enemies can’t fight you in minion waves because you will brush the damage to them. Camille fires a hookshot in a target direction; If she strikes a wall, she'll pull herself to it. Always buy Sheen first. In general, this item outshines Titanic Hydra in every situation for Camille. If you win your lane you can easily 1v9. So if you are able to help your team by just roaming, you should. Magic shield is worse because it doesn’t block minion or tower damage.