Without water, life itself would be impossible. Geological Oceanography deals with several aspects of seas and oceans. When you finish watching the video, you could do the following: To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. These space materials also brought gases to Earth, and eventually these gases as well as those from outgassing formed our early atmosphere.

- Definition, Cause & Wave, Biological and Biomedical When he compared the computed magnetic profiles with the profiles of magnetic anomalies plotted on the basis of actual data obtained during the survey, he found size­able difference between the two profiles. This would show up in the Sun's spectrum. This “late veneer” may have included not just precious metals but also “volatile” substances, such as carbon and water, which are known to exist on a type of asteroid called carbonaceous chondrite. 34 (3). Earth’s surface temperature and the partial pressures of the individual gases in the early atmosphere affected the atmosphere’s equilibration with the terrestrial surface. It trapped heat on Earth like a greenhouse so that temperatures on the surface were possibly as high as 400 °C! The essential aspects are: Origin of water and air on earth Theory of continental drift and crustal blocks. It may be highlighted that tectonically plate boundaries or plate margins are most important because all tectonic activities occur along the plate margins e.g. The huge volume of water contained in the oceans (and seas), 137 × 10 7 cubic km (about 33 × 10 7 cubic miles), has been produced during Earth’s geologic history. We don't know for sure how water came to be on Earth. _____________________________ This material then 'splattered' planet Earth, the Moon and many other planitary bodies in the Solar System. The reaction of this oxygen with the materials of the surface gradually caused the vapour pressure of water vapour to increase to a level at which liquid water could form. This article was originally published on The Conversation.

It makes up only a very small fraction of the whole. and career path that can help you find the school that's right for you.

Today's oceans eloquently testify to God's creative power, His judgement at the Flood, and His provision today. just create an account. W.G. (i) The maximum spreading of the Pacific Ocean is 0 to 9 cm per year (total expansion 12 to 18 cm/year) along the eastern Pacific ridge between equator and 30°S latitude, (ii) The southern Atlantic ocean is spreading along the southern Atlantic ridge at the rate of 2 cm per year (total expansion 4 cm/year) and.

As the water drained into the great hollows in the Earth's surface, the primeval ocean came into existence. What two characteristics of Earth allow liquid water to exist?

But it is important to understand that water can also be recycled back into the mantle. This heating led to the gradual separation and migration of materials to form Earth’s core, mantle, and crust. Engel, L. The Sea, Time-Life Books, 1969, p. 38.

The ocean covers most of the globe and plays a crucial role in regulating our climate and atmosphere. 2005. Lithosphere is internally made of rigid plates (fig.

On the third day of creation, the waters under the heaven were gathered into one place which God called Seas (see Genesis 1:9-10). Another theory is that Earth formed without water, and that bodies that collided with early Earth brought water to the planet from the outside. Mckenzie and Parker discussed in detail the mechanism of pate motions on the basis of Euler’s geometrical theorem in 1967. According to this theory, the ocean had its origin from the prolonged escape of water vapor and other gases from the molten igneous rocks of the Earth to the clouds surrounding the cooling Earth.

The age of magnetic stripes, the rate of sea floor spreading and the time of drifting of different conti­nents are calculated on the basis of above facts. For this lesson, we'll discuss the formation of the oceans using both theories so you can see how each method could have contributed to the process. The location of Earth in the solar system, its composition, and its size all make Earth a very special place because it prevents the loss of our water through evaporation or freezing. The huge volume of water contained in the oceans (and seas), 137 × 107 cubic km (about 33 × 107 cubic miles), has been produced during Earth’s geologic history. But recent research has strengthened the case for the other theory that water was always present in the rocks of the Earth’s mantle and was gradually released to the surface through volcanoes. Plate tectonic theory is bases on the evidences of: The concept of sea floor spreading was first propounded by professor Hary Hess of the Princeton University in the year 1960.

Here two plates pass or slide past one another along transform faults and thus crust is neither created nor destroyed. - Because of the way elements are formed in stars. (2) Destructive plate margins are also called as ‘consuming plate margins’ or ‘convergent plate mar­gins’ because two plates move towards each other or two plates converge along a line and leading edge of one plate overrides the other plate and the overridden plate is sub-ducted or thrust into the mantle and thus part of crust (plate) is lost in the mantle (fig. Tim Clarey, Ph.D., and Jake Hebert, Ph.D. For example, if the rate of sea-floor spreading is reported to be 1.0 cm per year, the total spreading of the concerned ocean would be 1 + 1=2 cm per year. A preponderance of a particular element would show you at what stage that sun exploded. And, while all this was going on, Earth was also being bombarded with materials from outer space, such as comets. first two years of college and save thousands off your degree.

Earth is large enough that its gravity holds the atmosphere in place, protecting Earth's surface from both receiving and losing too much heat from solar radiation. Real-world ecology supports the Bible’s trustworthiness.

Throughout the next several million years, the atmosphere and surface cooled. - Definition, Formation & Characteristics, Changes in Sea Level: Causes & the Effect on the Environment, What is Blue Biotechnology?

In reality the process is one which is actually impossible! 5.11 depicts the position of magnetic stripes on either side of the mid-oceanic ridge along with the time-scale of their formation. The whole mechanism of the evolution, nature and motion of plates and resultant reactions is called ‘plate tectonics’. The earth, on the other hand, is very much a water planet. The Earth has been the blue planet for as many as 3.8 billion years.

The elements would then be scattered in clumps throughout the universe. Based on these information Hary Hess propounded that the mid- oceanic ridges were situated on the rising thermal convection currents coming up form the mantle (fig. 2. http://www.irbs.com/bowditch/pdf/chapt31.pdf

The other theory is that Earth did not contain any water when it was formed and it was instead brought here by other sources as they hit the young planet.

5.9). Finally, unlike planetary scientists, geochemists have long argued that the Earth’s oceans don’t come from captured icy comets because they contain different amounts of “heavy” hydrogen. 3. http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news008.html.

In fact, oceanic plates split apart along the mid-oceanic ridges and move in opposite directions (fig. 6. flashcard set{{course.flashcardSetCoun > 1 ? at the rate of 1.0 to 1.5 cm per year while the Pacific Ocean is expanding at the rate of 6.0 cm per year. As the fountains closed, the ocean floor sank, forming new and much deeper ocean basins (such as the 36,163 foot deep Mariana Trench), permitting the continents to drain and emerge from the waters. Taking the argument a little further if there were more than one prominent 'peak' of one element in the spectrum not belonging to suns 'a' or 'b' then this might indicate that there had been more than four suns in the system. This theory presumes Atlantis … Water Currents. Also, there is fossil evidence of primitive marine algae and invertebrates from the Ediacaran Period (635 million to 541 million years ago). Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. However, fossils dated from the Precambrian some 3.3 billion years ago show that bacteria and cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) existed then, indicating the presence of water during that period. The argument goes like this : As the present Sun is only part-way through the atomic fusion process of converting Hydrogen to Helium then all the other elements observed must have arrived from without. (iv) There is parallelism in the time sequence of palaeomagnetic epochs and events calculated for 4.5 million years on the basis of magnetism of basaltic rocks or sedimen­tary rocks.