Dolly Oblonskaya has caught her husband, Stiva, having an affair with their children’s former governess, and threatens to leave him. Anna Karenina is a novel by Leo Tolstoy that was first published in 1873. Stiva is somewhat remorseful but mostly dazed and uncomprehending. The source of Tolstoy’s next great novel, Anna Karenina, lies in an idea that he conveyed to his wife in 1870. Anna Karenina The Oblonsky family of Moscow is torn apart by adultery. All of these things are featured in Part One of the novel. Tolstoy imbues the simple tale of a love affair with rich portraits of Russian high society, politics, and religion. She is married to Alexis Alexandrovitch, who has a high post in a state department, and she has a son. Anna Karenina is a Russian lady who is quite beautiful in Moscow and elegant enough to be the envy of those who see it. Anna Karenina Summary Anna Karenina, considered by many critics to be Tolstoy's finest achievement, is one of the most important novels of the nineteenth century. We are also introduced to all the major characters and the most important elements of their personalities. Anna Karenina is a novel about many things: love, the idea of romance, marriage, nation, the changing state of Russia, Society, morality and justice. Anna dislikes her husband, but also thinks he is a robot devoid of all emotions.