Readers during the Cold War time, who lived with the threat of such a war looming, would certainly have found Randy’s situation immediate and frightening. Randy makes a stop at the McGovern house, certain that Lib would need his help explaining to her parents what was going on. This was not entirely true. After an hour-plus grocery session (we're exhausted just reading about it) Randy heads home. Find out what happens in our Chapter 3 summary for Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank. Thanks. Malachai shocks Randy when he says he wouldn't be surprised if an attack does come, because he's kept up with the news. Before he can pass on Mark's warning, however, he's greeted by another new arrival—Dan Gunn, local doctor and Randy's number one broseph. Lib, the daughter of a retired Cleveland businessman, is impatient with Randy’s lazy lifestyle. Instead, he takes his groceries home and warns one of his neighbors, Malachai Henry, that a war may be coming.

Task Group 6.7—a major U.S. fleet complete with a nuclear-armed naval carrier—is cruising through the salty sea.

Just after Lib leaves, Florence Wechek and Alice Cooksey watch as Randy stares around the street with binoculars, assuming that he's spying on them as usual; however, it turns out that he was simply watching Florence's bird because he thought it was a rare, supposedly extinct Carolina parakeet. Alas, Babylon's subtle but poignant exploration of race relations begins in these chapters as readers learn more about the Henry family, Randy's black neighbors.

In this chapter, we are introduced to several of the major characters and the setting of Randy Bragg s neighborhood.

Summary. ALAS, BABYLON Pat Frank .

Edgar is proud of the bank's financial strength and boasts Roosevelt could shut it down only by closing all the nation's banks in 1933. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from Shmoop and verify that you are over the age of 13.
GradeSaver, 8 April 2015 Web.

Randy complains that Edgar knows his brother's check is good, and that he endorsed it, but Edgar insists stubbornly that Mark does not have an account there and it would be bad banking practice for him to hand Randy 5,000 dollars cash and then wait for it to be cleared all the way from his bank in Omaha. I'm not sure what you are asking here.

Please let us know if you have any suggestions or comments or would like any additional information. But the author also demonstrates the role of chance in warfare, showing how a mistake by a foolhardy American pilot provides the spark that ignites the entire, world-changing conflict.

Her visit to his house to tell him to move to a large, exciting city because this place is no good for him shows that she has been perceptive of his unhappiness, and the willingness she expresses to follow him wherever he goes shows that she wants this relationship to become more serious. The Henry family appears, their friendship with Randy providing a model for the cooperation that will be necessary between blacks and whites in the wake of the disaster.
Juicy. Edgar tries to play hardball with Randy, but he's quickly outmatched.

Copyright © 1999 - 2020 GradeSaver LLC. What is Malachi’s reaction to Randy’s news. At least, he points out, they will always have clean water to drink, no matter what the circumstances.

Back in Fort Repose, Randy purchases some last-minute essentials.

Then Randy makes his way to the supermarket, where he stocks up on foodstuffs, buying three hundred dollars worth of meat, coffee, and canned foods. Bill insists that there are always rumors that war is going to come, but it never does, because the two sides always work things out. Randy tells Malachi about the coming war and is surprised to find that Malachi is not as ignorant of world events as Randy had believed.

The specter of war hangs over this part of the novel. © 2020 Shmoop University Inc | All Rights Reserved | Privacy | Legal.

Tension is ratcheting up in the Mediterranean, just like Mark said.

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Lib leaves soon after, so Randy sits outside to enjoy the "stillness and [...] peace" of a lovely Florida sunset (3.151).

The rest of the world would assume they'd done it on purpose. Chapter 4 includes a window scene into the “War Room” or the “Hole” at Strategic Air Command headquarters. Visit to buy new and used textbooks, and check out our award-winning NOOK tablets and eReaders. Now that Randy needs approval, Edgar hopes for revenge. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans.

The story shifts briefly to the eastern Mediterranean, where a United States fleet is being shadowed by enemy aircraft. The first two chapters of Alas, Babylon focuses on two things: introducing readers to both the characters and the major conflict. This free study guide is stuffed with the juicy details and important facts you need to know. As Frank describes how Randy prepares for the emergency, readers are led to wonder, “What would I do if I knew war was imminent?”.

Start studying Alas, Babylon Chapters 1-3 Characters. In Chapter 3, readers are introduced to the other major characters of the story—Helen and her children, the Henrys, the McGoverns, and Doctor Dan Gunn—all of whom are let in on the secret. The McGoverns dislike Randy, and refuse to believe his warning of war.