For non-Hispanic whites the projected life expectancies are 79.8 years, with 82.0 years for women, and 77.5 years for men. Approximately 2.5 million died along the way. CULTURE 2) Black Alone or in Combination with another race. Current Population Survey (CPS) Reports ... National African-American (Black) History Month: February 2020 To commemorate and celebrate the contributions to our nation made by people of African descent, historian Carter G. Woodson established Black History Week. In 1860, at the start of the Civil War, the African-American population increased to 4.4 million, but the percentage rate … In 2017, the U.S. Census Bureau reported that 22.9 percent of non-Hispanic blacks in comparison to 9.6 percent of non-Hispanic whites were living at the poverty level. BLACK BUSINESSES, EDUCATION | It left the south economically devastated, and resulted in the criminalization of slavery in the United States. To commemorate and celebrate the contributions to our nation made by people of African descent, historian Carter G. Woodson established Black History Week. After the  United States Civil War (1861-1865) devastated the country, President Abraham Lincoln aimed to reunite the nation as quickly as possible. HOUSEHOLDS | HOUSEHOLDS
c The US Census Bureau’s population estimates include the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Only 10% are headed by a single father. This is the so-called "New Great Migration.". The death rate for African Americans is generally higher than whites for heart diseases, stroke, cancer, asthma, influenza and pneumonia, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, and homicide. Here are the facts and trivia that people are buzzing about. In 1860, at the start of the Civil War, the African-American population had increased to 4.4 million, but the percentage rate dropped to 14% of the overall population of the country. OCTOBER 17, 2018. VA. Overview (Demographics): In July 2017, 41.4 million people in the United States were black alone, which represents 12.7 percent of the total population. total number of people or organisms in a particular area. ECONOMICS POPULATION Full Census Reports: Use this collection to provide learners with a deeper understanding of the nature and importance of maps, which have been illustrating places and people for thousands of years. This population is concentrated largely in the southern states and urban areas. POPULATION Join our community of educators and receive the latest information on National Geographic's resources for you and your students. Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP).

Also in 2017, 43.9 percent of non-Hispanic blacks in comparison to 33.7 percent of non-Hispanic whites relied on Medicaid or public health insurance. This collection of resources includes features of prominent figures such as President Barack Obama and lesser-known war heroine Mary Seacole. Demography is the study of a population, the total number of people or organisms in a given area. The projected black, either alone or in combination, population of the United States (including those of more than one race) for July 1, 2060. National Geographic Headquarters Since 2000 alone, the number of black immigrants in the U.S. has risen 71%. If you have questions about licensing content on this page, please contact for more information and to obtain a license. The largest ports of entry for American slaves were Charleston, Baltimore, other ports on the Virginia and Maryland coast and New Orleans. About 40 years ago, African Americans began reversing this pattern and moving to the South, instead of away from it. But after viewing... African Americans have a history in both major political parties of the... Tracing African American ancestry from 2000 BC in western Africa to 2000 AD in America. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. (~1930-~1970) movement of African Americans from the South, mostly to urban areas in the Midwest and West. Current Black Or African American Population in King County,Washington2020, 2019 with Demographics and Stats by age and gender. In 1790, when the first U.S. Census was taken, Africans (including slaves and free people) numbered about 760,000—about 19.3% of the population. They help us understand Earth and how its physical processes and features can shape human activity and vice versa. GEOGRAPHY Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2017 [PDF | 1.25MB] Political candidates use the information to inform targeted campaigns.

In 1910, about 90% of African Americans lived in the South, but large numbers began migrating north looking for better job opportunities and living conditions, and to escape Jim Crow and racial violence. Sustainability Policy | 

FEBRUARY 02, 2018, National African-American (Black) History Month: Feb. 2018, FACTS FOR FEATURES & SPECIAL EDITIONS But in the 1970s and 1980s, that trend reversed, with more African Americans moving south to the Sunbelt than leaving it. If a media asset is downloadable, a download button appears in the corner of the media viewer. African Americans comprise the United States' largest racial minority, accounting for 12.1 percent of the total population in 2000. To sign up for updates please enter your contact information below. More black women than black men had earned at least a bachelor's degree (23.8 percent compared with 18.5 percent), while among non-Hispanic whites, a higher proportion of women than men had earned at least a bachelor's degree (35.9 percent and 35.6 percent, respectively). Code of Ethics. FACTS FOR FEATURES & SPECIAL EDITIONS If no button appears, you cannot download or save the media. (~1915-~1930) movement of African Americans from the South, mostly to urban areas in the North.